/* * * (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996-2001 * Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT. * */ /* * * fetchXMLname * * Authors: I. Vatton * L. Carcone * */ #define THOT_EXPORT extern #include "amaya.h" #include "parser.h" #include "HTMLnames.h" #include "MathMLnames.h" #include "SVGnames.h" #include "XLinknames.h" /* define some pointers to let other parser functions access the local table */ int HTML_ENTRIES = (sizeof(XHTMLElemMappingTable) / sizeof(ElemMapping)); ElemMapping *pHTMLGIMapping = XHTMLElemMappingTable; AttributeMapping *pHTMLAttributeMapping = XHTMLAttributeMappingTable; XmlEntity *pXhtmlEntityTable = XhtmlEntityTable; XmlEntity *pMathEntityTable = MathEntityTable; #include "fetchXMLname_f.h" /* Global variables used by the entity mapping */ static int XHTMLSup = 0; static int MathSup = 0; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXHTMLSSchema returns the XHTML Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetXHTMLSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema XHTMLSSchema; XHTMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("HTML", doc); if (XHTMLSSchema == NULL) XHTMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), "HTML", "HTMLP"); return (XHTMLSSchema); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------charName GetMathMLSSchema returns the MathML Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetMathMLSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema MathMLSSchema; MathMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("MathML", doc); if (MathMLSSchema == NULL) MathMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), "MathML", "MathMLP"); return (MathMLSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetSVGSSchema returns the SVG Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetSVGSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema SVGSSchema; SVGSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("SVG", doc); if (SVGSSchema == NULL) SVGSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), "SVG", "SVGP"); return (SVGSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXLinkSSchema returns the XLink Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetXLinkSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema XLinkSSchema; XLinkSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("XLink", doc); if (XLinkSSchema == NULL) XLinkSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), "XLink", "XLinkP"); return (XLinkSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetGenericXMLSSchema returns the XML Thot schema for the document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetGenericXMLSSchema (Document doc) { SSchema XMLSSchema; XMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchema ("XML", doc); if (XMLSSchema == NULL) XMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), "XML", "XMLP"); return (XMLSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetGenericXMLSSchemaByUri returns the XML Thot schema for the document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetGenericXMLSSchemaByUri (char *uriName, Document doc, ThotBool *isnew) { SSchema XMLSSchema; XMLSSchema = TtaGetSSchemaByUri (uriName, doc); if (XMLSSchema == NULL) { XMLSSchema = TtaNewNature(doc, TtaGetDocumentSSchema(doc), "XML", "XMLP"); *isnew = TRUE; } return (XMLSSchema); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXMLSSchema returns the XML Thot schema for document doc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SSchema GetXMLSSchema (int XMLtype, Document doc) { if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) return GetXHTMLSSchema (doc); else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) return GetMathMLSSchema (doc); else if (XMLtype == SVG_TYPE) return GetSVGSSchema (doc); else if (XMLtype == XLINK_TYPE) return GetXLinkSSchema (doc); else return NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapXMLElementType Generic function which searchs in the Element Mapping table, selected by the parameter XMLtype, the entry XMLname and returns the corresponding Thot element type. Returns: - ElTypeNum and ElSSchema into elType ElTypeNum = 0 if not found. - content ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MapXMLElementType (int XMLtype, char *XMLname, ElementType *elType, char **mappedName, char *content, ThotBool *highEnoughLevel, Document doc) { int i; ElemMapping *ptr; /* Initialize variables */ *mappedName = NULL; *highEnoughLevel = TRUE; elType->ElTypeNum = 0; /* Select the right table */ if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) ptr = XHTMLElemMappingTable; else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) { if (TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc) == L_Basic && DocumentTypes[doc] == docHTML) { /* Maths are not allowed in this document */ ptr = NULL; *highEnoughLevel = FALSE; } else ptr = MathMLElemMappingTable; } else if (XMLtype == SVG_TYPE) { if (TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc) == L_Basic && DocumentTypes[doc] == docHTML) { /* Graphics are not allowed in this document */ ptr = NULL; *highEnoughLevel = FALSE; } else ptr = SVGElemMappingTable; } else ptr = NULL; if (ptr != NULL) { /* search in the ElemMappingTable */ i = 0; /* look for the first concerned entry in the table */ while (ptr[i].XMLname[0] < XMLname[0] && ptr[i].XMLname[0] != EOS) i++; /* look at all entries starting with the right character */ do if (strcmp (ptr[i].XMLname, XMLname)) /* it's not the tag */ i++; else if (TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc) != L_Other && !(ptr[i].Level & TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc))) { /* this tag is not valid in the document profile */ *highEnoughLevel = FALSE; i++; } else { elType->ElTypeNum = ptr[i].ThotType; if (elType->ElSSchema == NULL) elType->ElSSchema = GetXMLSSchema (XMLtype, doc); *mappedName = ptr[i].XMLname; *content = ptr[i].XMLcontents; } while (elType->ElTypeNum <= 0 && ptr[i].XMLname[0] == XMLname[0]); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXMLElementName Generic function which searchs in the mapping tables the XML name for a given Thot type. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char* GetXMLElementName (ElementType elType, Document doc) { ElemMapping *ptr; char *name; int i; ThotBool invalid = FALSE; if (elType.ElTypeNum > 0) { i = 0; /* Select the table which matches with the element schema */ name = TtaGetSSchemaName (elType.ElSSchema); if (strcmp ("MathML", name) == 0) ptr = MathMLElemMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("SVG", name) == 0) ptr = SVGElemMappingTable; else ptr = XHTMLElemMappingTable; if (ptr) do { if (ptr[i].ThotType == elType.ElTypeNum) { if (doc == 0 || TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc) == L_Other || (ptr[i].Level & TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc))) return ptr[i].XMLname; else invalid = TRUE; } i++; } while (ptr[i].XMLname[0] != EOS); } if (invalid) return ""; else return "???"; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsXMLElementInline Generic function which searchs in the mapping tables if a given Thot type is an inline character or not ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ThotBool IsXMLElementInline (ElementType elType, Document doc) { int i; ThotBool ret = FALSE; char *name; ElemMapping *ptr; if (elType.ElTypeNum > 0) { i = 0; /* Select the table which matches with the element schema */ name = TtaGetSSchemaName (elType.ElSSchema); if (strcmp ("MathML", name) == 0) ptr = MathMLElemMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("SVG", name) == 0) ptr = SVGElemMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("HTML", name) == 0) ptr = XHTMLElemMappingTable; else ptr = NULL; if (ptr) { while (ptr[i].XMLname[0] != EOS && ptr[i].ThotType != elType.ElTypeNum) i++; if (ptr[i].ThotType == elType.ElTypeNum) ret = ptr[i].Inline; } } return ret; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapXMLAttribute Generic function which searchs in the Attribute Mapping Table (table) the entry attrName associated to the element elementName. Returns the corresponding entry or -1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int MapXMLAttribute (int XMLtype, char *attrName, char *elementName, ThotBool *highEnoughLevel, Document doc, int *thotType) { int i; AttributeMapping *ptr; /* Initialization */ *highEnoughLevel = TRUE; i = 1; *thotType = 0; /* Select the right table */ if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) ptr = XHTMLAttributeMappingTable; else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) ptr = MathMLAttributeMappingTable; else if (XMLtype == SVG_TYPE) ptr = SVGAttributeMappingTable; else if (XMLtype == XLINK_TYPE) ptr = XLinkAttributeMappingTable; else ptr = NULL; if (ptr == NULL) return -1; if (strcmp (attrName, "unknown_attr") == 0) { *thotType = ptr[0].ThotAttribute; return 0; } /* look for the first concerned entry in the table */ while (ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] < attrName[0] && ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] != EOS) i++; while (ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] == attrName[0]) { if (strcmp (ptr[i].XMLattribute, attrName) || (ptr[i].XMLelement[0] != EOS && strcmp (ptr[i].XMLelement, elementName))) i++; else if (TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc) != L_Other && !(ptr[i].Level & TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc))) { *highEnoughLevel = FALSE; i++; } else { *thotType = ptr[i].ThotAttribute; return (i); } } return (-1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- GetXMLAttributeName Generic function which searchs in the mapping tables the XML name for a given Thot type. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char* GetXMLAttributeName (AttributeType attrType, ElementType elType, Document doc) { AttributeMapping *ptr; char *name, *tag; int i; ThotBool invalid = FALSE; if (attrType.AttrTypeNum > 0) { /* get the specific element tag */ if (elType.ElTypeNum > 0) tag = GetXMLElementName (elType, doc); else tag = ""; i = 0; /* Select the table which matches with the element schema */ name = TtaGetSSchemaName (attrType.AttrSSchema); if (strcmp ("MathML", name) == 0) ptr = MathMLAttributeMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("SVG", name) == 0) ptr = SVGAttributeMappingTable; else if (strcmp ("XLink", name) == 0) ptr = XLinkAttributeMappingTable; else ptr = XHTMLAttributeMappingTable; if (ptr) do { if (ptr[i].ThotAttribute == attrType.AttrTypeNum && (ptr[i].XMLelement[0] == EOS || !strcmp (ptr[i].XMLelement, tag))) { if (doc != 0 && TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc) != L_Other && !(ptr[i].Level & TtaGetDocumentProfile(doc))) invalid = TRUE; else return ptr[i].XMLattribute; } i++; } while (ptr[i].XMLattribute[0] != EOS); } if (invalid) return ""; else return "???"; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapXMLEntity Generic function which searchs in the Entity Mapping Table (table) the entry entityName and give the corresponding decimal value. Returns FALSE if entityName is not found. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ThotBool MapXMLEntity (int XMLtype, char *entityName, int *entityValue) { XmlEntity *ptr; ThotBool found; int inf, sup, med, rescomp; /* Initialization */ found = FALSE; sup = 0; /* Select the right table */ if (XMLtype == XHTML_TYPE) { ptr = XhtmlEntityTable; if (XHTMLSup == 0) for (XHTMLSup = 0; ptr[XHTMLSup].charCode > 0; XHTMLSup++); sup = XHTMLSup; } else if (XMLtype == MATH_TYPE) { ptr = MathEntityTable; if (MathSup == 0) for (MathSup = 0; ptr[MathSup].charCode > 0; MathSup++); sup = MathSup; } else ptr = NULL; if (ptr == NULL) return found; inf = 0; while (sup >= inf && !found) /* Dichotomic research */ { med = (sup + inf) / 2; rescomp = strcmp (ptr[med].charName, entityName); if (rescomp == 0) { /* entity found */ *entityValue = ptr[med].charCode; found = TRUE; } else { if (rescomp > 0) sup = med - 1; else inf = med + 1; } } return found; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- MapEntityByCode Generic function which searchs in the Entity Mapping Table (table) the entry with code entityValue and give the corresponding name. Returns FALSE if entityValue is not found. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MapEntityByCode (int entityValue, char **entityName) { XmlEntity *ptr; ThotBool found; int i; /* Select the right table */ ptr = XhtmlEntityTable; if (ptr) { /* look for in the HTML entities table */ found = FALSE; while (ptr && !found) { for (i = 0; ptr[i].charCode >= 0 && !found; i++) found = (ptr[i].charCode == entityValue); if (found) { /* entity value found */ i--; *entityName = (char *) (ptr[i].charName); } else if (ptr != MathEntityTable) /* look for in the Math entities table */ ptr = MathEntityTable; else { *entityName = NULL; ptr = NULL; } } } else *entityName = NULL; }