/* * * (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996. * Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT. * */ #ifndef AMAYA_H #define AMAYA_H /* Thot interface */ #include "thot_gui.h" #include "thot_sys.h" #include "appstruct.h" #include "application.h" #include "attribute.h" #include "browser.h" #include "content.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "fileaccess.h" #include "interface.h" #include "libmsg.h" #include "message.h" #include "presentation.h" #include "selection.h" #include "reference.h" #include "tree.h" #include "view.h" #include "uconvert.h" #include "undo.h" /* Included headerfiles */ #include "EDITOR.h" #include "HTML.h" #include "TextFile.h" #include "amayamsg.h" #define NAME_LENGTH 32 #define HTAppName TEXT("amaya") #define HTAppVersion TEXT("V3.1") #define HTAppDate TEXT ("19 April 2000") #define URL_STR "/" #define URL_SEP '/' #define WC_URL_STR TEXT ("/") #define WC_URL_SEP TEXT ('/') /* Number of views used in Amaya */ #define AMAYA_MAX_VIEW_DOC 7 /* the type of character convertion we want to make on local URLs */ typedef enum _ConvertionType { AM_CONV_NONE = 0, AM_CONV_URL_SEP = 0x1, /* converts URL_SEPs into DIR_SEPs */ AM_CONV_PERCENT = 0x2, /* converts %xx into the equiv. char */ AM_CONV_ALL = 0xFFFF /* do everything */ } ConvertionType; /* the HTTP header name we want to make visible to the application */ typedef enum _AHTHeaderName { AM_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = 0, AM_HTTP_CHARSET = 1 } AHTHeaderName; /* the structure used for exchanging HTTP header info between the net library and amaya */ typedef struct _AHTHeaders { CHAR_T *content_type; CHAR_T *charset; } AHTHeaders; /* The structures used for request callbacks */ typedef void TIcbf (Document doc, int status, char *urlName, char *outputfile, const AHTHeaders *http_headers, const char *data_block, int data_block_size, void *context); typedef void TTcbf (Document doc, int status, CHAR_T* urlName, CHAR_T* outputfile, const AHTHeaders *http_headers, void *context); /* How are Network accesses provided ? */ #include "libwww.h" /* The different events to open a new document */ typedef enum _ClickEvent { CE_ABSOLUTE, CE_RELATIVE, CE_FORM_POST, CE_FORM_GET, CE_HELP, CE_MAKEBOOK, CE_LOG , CE_TEMPLATE, CE_INIT #ifdef ANNOTATIONS ,CE_ANNOT #endif /* ANNOTATIONS */ } ClickEvent; #define NO 0 #define YES 1 /* dialogue */ #define URLForm 1 #define OpenForm 2 #define URLName 3 #define LocalName 4 #define DirSelect 5 #define DocSelect 6 #define StopCommand 7 #define SaveForm 8 #define DirSave 9 #define DocSave 10 #define ToggleSave 11 #define NameSave 12 #define ImgDirSave 13 #define Label1 14 #define Label2 15 #define Label3 16 #define Label4 17 #define ConfirmForm 18 #define ConfirmText 19 #define AttrHREFForm 20 #define AttrHREFText 21 #define FormAnswer 22 #define RealmText 23 #define AnswerText 24 #define NameText 25 #define PasswordText 26 #define FilterText 27 #define ClassForm 28 #define ClassSelect 29 #define AClassForm 30 #define AClassSelect 31 #define ConfirmSave 32 #define ConfirmSaveList 33 #define OptionMenu 34 /* MAX_SUBMENUS references reserved for submenus of Option menu */ /* Do not insert new entries here */ #define MAX_SUBMENUS 400 #define About1 435 #define About2 436 #define About3 437 #define Version 438 #define AboutForm 439 #define TableForm 440 #define TableRows 441 #define TableCols 442 #define TableBorder 443 #define MathEntityForm 444 #define MathEntityText 445 #define TitleForm 446 #define TitleText 447 #define MAX_REF 448 /* The possible GET/POST/PUT request modes */ /*synchronous request*/ #define AMAYA_SYNC 1 /*0x000001 */ /*synchronous request with incremental callbacks */ #define AMAYA_ISYNC 2 /*0x000010 */ /*asynchronous request */ #define AMAYA_ASYNC 4 /*0x000100 */ /*asynchronous request with incremental callbacks */ #define AMAYA_IASYNC 8 /*0x001000 */ /* send the form using the POST HTTP method */ #define AMAYA_FORM_POST 16 /*0x010000 */ /* send the form using the GET HTTP method */ #define AMAYA_FORM_GET 32 /*0x100000 */ /* bypass caching */ #define AMAYA_NOCACHE 64 /* don't follow redirections */ #define AMAYA_NOREDIR 128 /* post an annonation */ #define AMAYA_FILE_POST 256 /* Prevents a stop race condition in ASYNC transfers */ #define AMAYA_ASYNC_SAFE_STOP 256 #define AMAYA_LOAD_CSS 512 #define AMAYA_FLUSH_REQUEST 1024 #define AMAYA_USE_PRECONDITIONS 2048 #define AMAYA_LOAD_IMAGE 4096 /* * Flags to indicate the action to take when the network options * are modified */ #define AMAYA_CACHE_RESTART 1 #define AMAYA_PROXY_RESTART 2 #define AMAYA_LANNEG_RESTART 4 #define AMAYA_SAFEPUT_RESTART 8 /* * Flags to indicate the status of the network requests associated * to a document. */ #define AMAYA_NET_INACTIVE 1 #define AMAYA_NET_ERROR 2 #define AMAYA_NET_ACTIVE 4 /* * Flags for HTParse, specifying which parts of the URL are needed */ #define AMAYA_PARSE_ACCESS 16 /* Access scheme, e.g. "HTTP" */ #define AMAYA_PARSE_HOST 8 /* Host name, e.g. "www.w3.org" */ #define AMAYA_PARSE_PATH 4 /* URL Path, e.g. "pub/WWW/TheProject.html" */ #define AMAYA_PARSE_ANCHOR 2 /* Fragment identifier, e.g. "news" */ #define AMAYA_PARSE_PUNCTUATION 1 /* Include delimiters, e.g, "/" and ":" */ #define AMAYA_PARSE_ALL 31 /* All the parts */ THOT_EXPORT int appArgc; THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T** appArgv; THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T TempFileDirectory[MAX_LENGTH]; THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T Answer_text[MAX_LENGTH]; THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T Answer_name[NAME_LENGTH]; THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T Answer_password[NAME_LENGTH]; THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T Display_password[NAME_LENGTH]; THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T ScanFilter[NAME_LENGTH]; /* to scan directories */ THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T MathMLEntityName[MAX_LENGTH]; /* entity name typed by the user for a MathML expression */ THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T* LastURLName; /* last URL requested */ THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T* DirectoryName; /* local path of the document */ THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T* DocumentName; /* document name */ THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T* SavePath; /* saving path */ THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T* SaveName; /* saving name of the document */ THOT_EXPORT STRING ObjectName; /* document name */ THOT_EXPORT STRING SaveImgsURL; /* where to save remote Images */ THOT_EXPORT STRING TargetName; THOT_EXPORT STRING SavingFile; /* complete path or URL of the document */ THOT_EXPORT int Lg_password; THOT_EXPORT int BaseDialog; THOT_EXPORT int ReturnOption; THOT_EXPORT int NumberRows; THOT_EXPORT int NumberCols; THOT_EXPORT int TBorder; THOT_EXPORT int ReturnOptionMenu; THOT_EXPORT Document CurrentDocument; THOT_EXPORT Document SavingDocument; THOT_EXPORT Document SavingObject; THOT_EXPORT Document AttrHREFdocument; THOT_EXPORT Document DocBook; THOT_EXPORT Document IncludedDocument; THOT_EXPORT Element AttrHREFelement; THOT_EXPORT STRING AttrHREFvalue; THOT_EXPORT Document SelectionDoc; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool IsNewAnchor; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool UseLastTarget; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool LinkAsCSS; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SaveAsHTML; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SaveAsXHTML; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SaveAsText; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool CopyImages; /* should we copy images in Save As */ THOT_EXPORT ThotBool UpdateURLs; /* should we update URLs in Save As */ THOT_EXPORT ThotBool UserAnswer; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool InNewWindow; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInPRE; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInComment; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInEM; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInSTRONG; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInCITE; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInABBR; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInACRONYM; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInINS; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInDEL; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInDFN; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInCODE; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInVAR; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInSAMP; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInKBD; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInI; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInB; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInTT; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInBIG; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInSMALL; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInSub; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInSup; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInQuote; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool SelectionInBDO; THOT_EXPORT ThotBool HTMLErrorsFound; typedef enum { docHTML, docHTMLRO, docText, docTextRO, docImage, docImageRO, docCSS, docCSSRO, docSource, docSourceRO, #ifdef ANNOTATIONS docAnnot, docAnnotRO #endif /* ANNOTATIONS */ } DocumentType; /* a record for data associated with a request */ typedef struct _DocumentMetaDataElement { CHAR_T* form_data; /* form data associated with a URL */ ClickEvent method; /* method used to send this data */ ThotBool put_default_name; /* URL name was concatenated with DEFAULT_NAME */ ThotBool xmlformat; /* the document should be exported in xml format */ #ifdef ANNOTATIONS Document source_doc; /* if the document is an annotation, this variable giveso the annoted document docid */ #endif /* ANNOTATIONS */ } DocumentMetaDataElement; #define DocumentTableLength 10 /* URL of each loaded document */ THOT_EXPORT CHAR_T* DocumentURLs[DocumentTableLength]; /* Any formdata associated with a URL */ THOT_EXPORT DocumentMetaDataElement *DocumentMeta[DocumentTableLength]; /* Type of document */ THOT_EXPORT DocumentType DocumentTypes[DocumentTableLength]; /* identifier of the document displaying the source code */ THOT_EXPORT Document DocumentSource[DocumentTableLength]; /* The whole document is loaded when the corresponding entry in FilesLoading is 0 */ THOT_EXPORT int FilesLoading[DocumentTableLength]; /* Status (error, success) of the download of the objects of a document */ THOT_EXPORT int DocNetworkStatus[DocumentTableLength]; THOT_EXPORT Document W3Loading; /* the document being loaded */ THOT_EXPORT Document BackupDocument; /* the current backup */ /* button indexes */ THOT_EXPORT int iStop; THOT_EXPORT int iBack; THOT_EXPORT int iForward; THOT_EXPORT int iReload; THOT_EXPORT int iHome; THOT_EXPORT int iEditor; THOT_EXPORT int iSave; THOT_EXPORT int iPrint; THOT_EXPORT int iFind; THOT_EXPORT int iI; THOT_EXPORT int iB; THOT_EXPORT int iT; THOT_EXPORT int iImage; THOT_EXPORT int iH1; THOT_EXPORT int iH2; THOT_EXPORT int iH3; THOT_EXPORT int iBullet; THOT_EXPORT int iNum; THOT_EXPORT int iDL; THOT_EXPORT int iLink; THOT_EXPORT int iTable; #define IMAGE_NOT_LOADED 0 #define IMAGE_LOCAL 1 #define IMAGE_LOADED 2 #define IMAGE_MODIFIED 3 #ifdef __STDC__ typedef void (*LoadedImageCallback)(Document doc, Element el, CHAR_T* file, void *extra); #else typedef void (*LoadedImageCallback)(); #endif typedef struct _ElemImage { Element currentElement;/* first element using this image */ struct _ElemImage *nextElement; LoadedImageCallback callback; /* Callback for non-standard handling */ void *extra; /* any extra info for the CallBack */ } ElemImage; typedef struct _LoadedImageDesc { STRING originalName; /* complete URL of the image */ STRING localName; /* local name (without path) of the image */ struct _LoadedImageDesc *prevImage;/* double linked list */ struct _LoadedImageDesc *nextImage;/* easier to unchain */ Document document; /* document concerned */ struct _ElemImage *elImage; /* first element using this image */ int imageType; /* the type of the image */ int status; /* the status of the image loading */ } LoadedImageDesc; /* the structure used for storing the context of the FetchAndDisplayImages_callback function */ typedef struct _FetchImage_context { STRING base_url; LoadedImageDesc *desc; } FetchImage_context; THOT_EXPORT LoadedImageDesc *ImageURLs; THOT_EXPORT LoadedImageDesc *ImageLocal; /* The default Amaya HOME pages (page shown at boot time */ #ifdef _WINDOWS # define AMAYA_PAGE TEXT("\\amaya\\AmayaPage.html") #else /* !_WINDOWS */ # define AMAYA_PAGE TEXT("/amaya/AmayaPage.html") #endif /* !_WINDOWS */ #define AMAYA_PAGE_DOC TEXT("http://www.w3.org/Amaya/User/") #ifndef MAX_TXT_LEN #define MAX_TXT_LEN 1024 /* Max. length of strings */ #endif /* MAX_TXT_LEN */ #endif /* AMAYA_H */