{ Author: I. Vatton 1994-1995-1996 } TRANSLATION HTML; LINELENGTH 78; CONST DoubleQuote = '"'; C_Style = ' style="'; RULES HTML : BEGIN Create '\12'; Create '\12'; Create '\12' After; END; HEAD: BEGIN Create '\12'; Create '\12' After; END; Document_URL: BEGIN Remove; END; TITLE: BEGIN Create '\12'; Create '\12' After; END; ISINDEX: BEGIN Create ''; Create '' After; END; IF not TEXT_UNIT BEGIN Create ' class="'; Create Class; Create DoubleQuote; END; END; Style\240: BEGIN IF TEXT_UNIT and not Within HEAD BEGIN Create ''; Create '' After; END; IF not TEXT_UNIT and not Within HEAD BEGIN Create C_Style; Create Style\240; Create DoubleQuote; END; END; #ifdef COUGAR ID: BEGIN Create ' id="'; Create ID; Create DoubleQuote; END; #endif BulletStyle = disc : Create ' type=disc'; BulletStyle = square : Create ' type=square'; BulletStyle = circle : Create ' type=circle'; COMPACT: Create ' compact'; NumberStyle = Arabic_ : Create ' type=1'; NumberStyle = LowerAlpha : Create ' type=a'; NumberStyle = UpperAlpha : Create ' type=A'; NumberStyle = LowerRoman : Create ' type=i'; NumberStyle = UpperRoman : Create ' type=I'; Start > 1: BEGIN Create ' start="'; Create Start; Create DoubleQuote; END; ItemStyle = disc : Create ' type=disc'; ItemStyle = square : Create ' type=square'; ItemStyle = circle : Create ' type=circle'; ItemStyle = Arabic_ : Create ' type=1'; ItemStyle = LowerAlpha : Create ' type=a'; ItemStyle = UpperAlpha : Create ' type=A'; ItemStyle = LowerRoman : Create ' type=i'; ItemStyle = UpperRoman : Create ' type=I'; ItemValue: BEGIN Create ' value="'; Create ItemValue; Create DoubleQuote; END; WidthElement: BEGIN Create ' width="'; Create WidthElement; Create DoubleQuote; END; Script_URL: BEGIN Create ' action="'; Create Script_URL; Create DoubleQuote; END; METHOD=Post_: Create ' method="post"'; METHOD=Get_: Create ' method="get"'; ENCTYPE: BEGIN Create ' enctype="'; Create ENCTYPE; Create DoubleQuote; END; NAME: BEGIN NoTranslation; Create ' name="'; Create NAME; Create DoubleQuote; END; Multiple: Create ' multiple'; MenuSize: BEGIN Create ' size="'; Create MenuSize; Create DoubleQuote; END; Selected: Create ' selected'; Value_: BEGIN Create ' value="'; Create Value_; Create DoubleQuote; END; Rows: BEGIN Create ' rows="'; Create Rows; Create DoubleQuote; END; Columns: BEGIN Create ' cols="'; Create Columns; Create DoubleQuote; END; Checked = Yes_: Create ' checked'; Area_Size: BEGIN Create ' size="'; Create Area_Size; Create DoubleQuote; END; MaxLength: BEGIN Create ' maxlength="'; Create MaxLength; Create DoubleQuote; END; SRC: BEGIN Create ' src="'; Create SRC; Create DoubleQuote; END; ALT: BEGIN Create ' alt="'; Create ALT; Create DoubleQuote; END; Alignment = Top_: Create ' align=top'; Alignment = Middle_: Create ' align=middle'; Alignment = Bottom_: Create ' align=bottom'; Alignment = Left_: Create ' align=left'; Alignment = Right_: Create ' align=right'; Height_: BEGIN Create ' height="'; Create Height_; Create DoubleQuote; END; Width_: BEGIN Create ' width="'; Create Width_; Create DoubleQuote; END; Img_border: BEGIN Create ' border="'; Create Img_border; Create DoubleQuote; END; hspace: BEGIN Create ' hspace="'; Create hspace; Create DoubleQuote; END; vspace: BEGIN Create ' vspace="'; Create vspace; Create DoubleQuote; END; ISMAP: Create ' ismap'; USEMAP: BEGIN NoTranslation; Create ' usemap="'; Create USEMAP; Create DoubleQuote; END; nohref: Create ' nohref'; shape = rectangle: Create ' shape=rect'; shape = circle: Create ' shape=circle'; shape = polygon: Create ' shape=poly'; coords: BEGIN Create ' coords="'; Create coords; Create DoubleQuote; END; Border: BEGIN Create ' border="'; Create Border; Create DoubleQuote; END; Table_align = Align_left: Create ' align=left'; Table_align = Center_: Create ' align=center'; Table_align = Align_right: Create ' align=right'; cellspacing: BEGIN Create ' cellspacing="'; Create cellspacing; Create DoubleQuote; END; cellpadding: BEGIN Create ' cellpadding="'; Create cellpadding; Create DoubleQuote; END; Position = Position_top: Create ' align=top'; Position = Position_bottom: Create ' align=bottom'; Row_align = Row_left: Create ' align=left'; Row_align = Row_center: Create ' align=center'; Row_align = Row_right: Create ' align=right'; Row_valign = Row_top: Create ' valign=top'; Row_valign = Row_middle: Create ' valign=middle'; Row_valign = Row_bottom: Create ' valign=bottom'; colspan: BEGIN Create ' colspan="'; Create colspan; Create DoubleQuote; END; rowspan: BEGIN Create ' rowspan="'; Create rowspan; Create DoubleQuote; END; Cell_align = Cell_left: Create ' align=left'; Cell_align = Cell_center: Create ' align=center'; Cell_align = Cell_right: Create ' align=right'; Cell_valign = Cell_top: Create ' valign=top'; Cell_valign = Cell_middle: Create ' valign=middle'; Cell_valign = Cell_bottom: Create ' valign=bottom'; Cell_width: BEGIN Create ' width="'; Create Cell_width; Create DoubleQuote; END; Cell_height: BEGIN Create ' height="'; Create Cell_height; Create DoubleQuote; END; Word_wrap = No_wrap: Create ' nowrap'; Invalid_attribute: Create Invalid_attribute; #include "Text_SGML.inc" GraphTRANSLATE BEGIN 'c' -> 'circle'; 'Q' -> 'circle'; 'R' -> 'rect'; 'C' -> 'rect'; ' ' -> 'rect'; 'P' -> 'rect'; 'p' -> 'polygon'; 'B' -> 'polygon'; END; END