! Use of the file HTML.trans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! This file can be edited during an Amaya session. It will be ! dynamically parsed when the transformation tool is required by ! the editor. So new transformations can be added while editing. ! ! Syntax of the transformation language for Amaya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! comments begin with ! ! ! This file can be edited during an Amaya session. It will be ! dynamically parsed when the transformation tool is required by ! the editor. So new transformations can be added while editing. ! ! A tranformation rule has three parts : ! - a NAME terminated by a colon ":" ! - a SOURCE PATTERN terminated by a semi-colon ";" ! - and a list of RULES between braces "{" "}", each one ! terminated by a semi-colon ";" ! ! a) The NAME will appear in the transform menu. ! ! b) The SOURCE PATTERN gives of a specific organization of the elements ! to be transformed: it contains XML/HTML tags and SGML-like syntax ! for the composition operators: ! e1 | e2 for a choice between elements e1 and e2 ! e1 , e2 for a sequence e1 followed by e2 ! e+ for a sequence of one or more elements e ! ?e for an optional element e ! ( ) for grouping nodes ! The braces "{" "}" define the content of a node. ! The symbol "*" is a token that matches any element type ! It is possible to rename a tag by preceeding it with a name ! followed by a colon ":" ! ! c) RULES express transformations to be applied to the elements ! identified in the pattern. ! Each rule end with a symbol ";" ! ! - It could be performed by an action rule. In this case the rule ! starts with a "$" followed by the menu action to be called. ! ! - It could be a list of transformation items: ! They have two parts : ! - a source identifier: a tag or a name which occurs in ! the pattern and links the rule to the pattern nodes ! - a rule body: drives the transformation ! there are two kinds of rule bodies: ! - a discard rule body is slash and express that the correspoding ! pattern node does not occuring the transformation result ! - a generation rule begins with ! - a symbol ">" ! - and a target tag list. This list is itself divided into ! two parts separated by a colon":": ! * the generation location path ! * and the list of tags to be generated ! The dot symbol "." is used for descending in the tree structure. ! if the special token star "*" ends the list of tags to be ! generated, the source elment tag is not changed but this element ! can be moved in a different place in the destination. ! ! The rules are applied in the order the identifiers are met when ! (depth first) traversing the source structure. ! Several rules may have the same identifier, in that case, the rules ! are applied in the order they are defined. ! Transformation rules !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adresse:(p{*+})+; { * > address:*; } Paragraphe:(address{*+}); { * > p:*; } !between lists !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Liste de définition:*{(li{(list:*{(li2:li)+}|other:*)+})+}; { other > dl:dt; list > dl:dd; li2 > dl.dd:; } Liste à puces:(dl{(dt|dd{(*)+})+})+; { dt > ul:li; * > ul.li.ul:li.*; } Liste numérotée:(dl{(dt|dd{(*)+})+})+; { dt > ol:li; * > ol.li.ol:li.*; } Liste à puces:(ol{(li{(*)+})+})+; { * > ul:li.*; } Liste numérotée:(ul{(li{(*)+})+})+; { * > ol:li.*; } Retirer la liste de définition: (dl{(dt{(dtc:*)+}|dd{(ddc:*)+})+})+; { dtc > :<* style="font-weight:bold">; ddc > :*; } !flattering headings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paragraphes: (h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|*{(li{(il:*)+})+}),(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|*{(li{(il:*)+})+})+; { h1 > :p; h2 > :p; h3 > :p; h4 > :p; h5 > :p; h6 > :p; p > :p; il > :p; } ! Preformatted to/from paragraphs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Preformaté: (p{*+})+; { * > pre:*; } Paragraphe: (pre{*+})+; { * > p:*; } !Tables to/from lists !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Table: *{(lev1:li{?(*{(lev2:li)+}|elem:*)+})+}; { lev1 > :tr; elem > table.tr:td.*; lev2 > table.tr:td; } Table: dl{(dt|dd)+}; { dt >
.tbody:tr.td; dd > table.tbody.tr:td; } Liste numérotée:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+}; { caption > :ol.li.strong; block > :ol; tr > ol:li; td > ol.li:; th > ol.li:; td2 > ol.li.ul:li; th2 > ol.li.ul:li; } Liste à puces:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+}; { caption > :ul.li.strong; block > :ul; tr > ul:li; td > ul.li:; th > ul.li:; td2 > ul.li.ul:li; th2 > ul.li.ul:li; } Liste de définition:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+}; { caption > :dl.dt; block > :dl; td > dl:dt; th > dl:dt; td2 > dl:dd; th2 > dl:dd; } ! Other transformations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Réunin les items: li,(li2:li)+; { li > li:; li2 > li:; } Retirer le niveau paragraphe: li{p{(cont:*)+},?(next:*)+}; { li > li:; cont > *; next > *; } Retirer le souligné: (u{*+})+; { * > :*; } Couper l'item de liste: (li{a:*,(b:*)+})+; { a > :li.*; b > :li.*; } Réunir les listes: ul{li+},(ul{li+})+; { li > ul:li; } Réunir les listes: ol{li+},(ol{li+})+; { li > ol:li; } Réunir les listes: dl{(dt|dd)+},(dl{(dt|dd)+})+; { dt > dl:dt; dd > dl:dd; } !Paragraphe: *{(li{(cont:*)+})+}; ! { ! cont > :*; ! } Paragraphe: *{(li{(*{?(li{(lev2:*)+})+})+})+}; { lev2 > :*; } Paragraphes: (ol{(li{(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|*)+})+})+; { h1 > :h1; h2 > :h2; h3 > :h3; h4 > :h4; h5 > :h5; h6 > :h6; p > :p; * > :p.*; } Paragraphes: (ul{(li{(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|*)+})+})+; { h1 > :h1; h2 > :h2; h3 > :h3; h4 > :h4; h5 > :h5; h6 > :h6; p > :p; * > :p.*; } Retirer 2 niveaux de liste: *{(li{(*{?(li{(lev2:*)+})+})+})+}; { lev2 > :*; } ! Forms to/from elements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eglober dans Formulaire: *+; { * > Form:*; } Retirer Formulaire: form{?*+}; { * > :*; } Retirer le sous-menu: (optgroup{*+})+; { * > :*; } ! Lists to/from elements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Liste à puces: (p|ol|menu|dir|pre|form)+; { p > ul:
  • ; ol > ul; pre > ul:li.pre; form > ul:li.form; } Liste numérotée:(p|ul|menu|dir|pre|form)+; { p > ol:li; ul > ol; pre > ol:li.pre; form > ol:li.form; } ! Tables to/from elements !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Table verticale: *+; { * >
  • :tr.td.*; } Table horizontale: *+; { * >
    .tr:td.*; } Retirer la table:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+}; { caption > :div.p; block > :div; td > :div; th > :div; td2 > :div; th2 > :div; } !Remove Table:table{?caption,?(body:*{(tr{(*{(?cell_content:*)+})+})+})+}; ! { ! caption > h3; ! cell_content > :*; ! } Transposer la table:table{tbody{tr{(td|th)+}|(tr{td2:td|th2:th})+}}; { td >
    :tr.td; th > table:tr.td; td2 >
    .tr:td; th2 > table.tr:td; } Cellule titre :?(td|th)+,td,?(td|th)+; { $CreateHeadingCell; } Cellule :?(td|th)+,th,?(td|th)+; { $CreateDataCell; } !headings to/from definitions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Liste de définition:((h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6),*+)+; { h1 > dl:dt; h2 > dl:dt; h2 > dl:dt; h3 > dl:dt; h4 > dl:dt; h5 > dl:dt; h6 > dl:dt; * > dl.dd:*; } Liste de définition:(h1,?hr,?(level1:*)+,?(h2,?(level2:*)+,?((h3|h4|h5|h6),(level3:*)+)+)+)+; { h1 > dl:dt; level1>dl.dd:*; h2 > dl.dd:dl.dt ; level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*; h3 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; h4 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; h5 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*; } Liste de définition:(h2,?hr,?(level1:*)+,(h3,?(level2:*)+,((h4|h5|h6),(level3:*)+)+)+)+; { h2 > dl:dt; level1 > dl.dd:*; h3 > dl.dd:dl.dt ; level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*; h4 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; h5 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*; } Liste de définition:(h3,?hr,?(level1:*)+,?(h4,?(level2:*)+,((h5|h6),(level3:*)+)+)+)+; { h3 > dl:dt; level1 > dl.dd:*; h4 > dl.dd:dl.dt ; level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*; h5 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*; } Liste de définition multi-niveaux:(h4,?hr,?(level1:*)+,(h5,?(level2:*)+,((h6)+,(level3:*)+)+)+)+; { h4 > dl:dt; level1 > dl.dd:*; h5 > dl.dd:dl.dt ; level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*; h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ; level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*; } Titre h1:(dl{(dt1:dt|dd{(dl{(dt2:dt|dd{(dl{(dt3:dt|dd{content:*})+}|content:*)+})+}|content:*)+})+}|hr)+; { dt1 > :h1; dt2 > :h2; dt3 > :h3; content > :*; } Titre h2:(dl{(dt1:dt|dd{(dl{(dt2:dt|dd{(dl{(dt3:dt|dd{content:*})+}|content:*)+})+}|content:*)+})+}|hr)+; { dt1 > :h2; dt2 > :h3; dt3 > :h4; content > :*; } Titre h3:(dl{(dt1:dt|dd{(dl{(dt2:dt|dd{(dl{(dt3:dt|dd{content:*})+}|content:*)+})+}|content:*)+})+}|hr)+; { dt1 > :h3; dt2 > :h4; dt3 > :h5; content > :*; } Liste de définition: p,*+; { p > dl:dt; * > dl.dd:*; } Retirer la division: (div{*+})+; { * > :*; } Retirer le Centrer: (center{*+})+; { * > :*; } Retirer le niveau paragraphe: p{img}; { img > :*; } Retirer le BlockQuote: blockquote{*+}; { * > :*; } Retirer l'élément font: font{*+}; { * > :*; } Retirer l'élément span: span{*+}; { * > :*; } Retirer le Subscript: sub{*+}; { * > :*; } Retirer le Superscript: sup{*+}; { * > :*; } Retirer la Quotation: q{*+}; { * > :*; } Retirer le BiDi: bdo{*+}; { * > :*; } !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Global Document transformation tests ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DistrThot: body{*+} { body >
    .Thot Editor; body > table.tbody.tr.td:.Opera project; body > table.tbody.tr:td.Documentation; body > table.tbody.tr.td:h1."Title of the page"; body > :.tbody.tr.
    .h2.."Home"; * > table.tbody.tr:td.*; }