Annotation of Amaya/amaya/AmayaPage.html, revision 1.8

1.3       cvs         1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
1.1       cvs         2: <html>
                      3: <head>
                      4: <title>
                      5: Welcome to Amaya</title>
                      6: <meta name="GENERATOR" content="amaya V1.1a Beta">
                      7: </head>
                      8: <body bgcolor="white">
                     10: <h1 style="font-size : 30pt; color : #FF0000">Welcome to Amaya</h1>
1.5       cvs        12: <h1 style="text-align : right">Release 1.1c</h1>
1.1       cvs        13: <p>
                     14: <strong>Amaya</strong> has been designed with the primary purpose of being a
                     15: testbed for experimenting and demonstrating new specifications and extensions
                     16: of Web protocols and standards. Its current main features include WYSIWYG
                     17: editing for HTML documents including MathML elements,  access to and
                     18: publishing on HTTP servers, support and editing for Cascading Style
                     19: Sheets.</p>
1.7       cvs        20: <p style="background-color : #FFFFFF">
1.1       cvs        21: <strong>Amaya</strong> is a Web client that acts both as a browser and as an
                     22: authoring tool. We have chosen not to distinguish the editor mode form the
                     23: browser mode; so the user can browse and edit any Web pages in the same time.
1.2       cvs        24: For that reason, the simple click is used to select into documents for
1.1       cvs        25: performing any editing action and the user has to double click to follow a
                     26: link.</p>
                     27: <p>
                     28: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
                     29: documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted,
                     30: provided that the full text of the  <a
1.6       cvs        31: href="">MIT and
                     32: INRIA Copyright Statement</a> appears on ALL copies of the software and
                     33: documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make.</p>
1.8     ! cvs        34: <map name="map">
        !            35: <area shape=poly
        !            36: coords="40,52,72,52,108,170,135,95,122,54,155,54,192,177,230,53,345,53,299,131,316,138,0,25966,341,182,342,207,335,229,316,254,293,262,266,261,240,244,230,223,255,212,262,227,281,235,0,25966,312,205,308,179,294,161,260,157,257,146,294,83,252,83,191,269,150,142,108,269,41,53,0,25966"
        !            37: href="http://opera">
        !            38: </map>
        !            39: <map name="map1">
        !            40: <area shape=poly
        !            41: coords="387,218,453,218,477,269,453,293,407,296,371,263,433,258,387,217"
        !            42: href="">
        !            43: <area shape=rect coords="355,166,420,227" href="">
        !            44: </map>
        !            45: <map name="map2">
        !            46: <area shape=rect coords="10,125,323,274" href="XXX">
        !            47: <area shape=poly
        !            48: coords="48,142,154,142,252,260,414,145,247,40,185,121,69,92,49,142"
        !            49: href="XXX">
        !            50: </map>
        !            51: <map name="map3">
        !            52: <area shape=rect coords="32,24,142,67" href="XXX">
        !            53: </map>
        !            54: <map name="map4">
        !            55: <area shape=poly coords="42,53,345,53,311,137,343,200,332,256,111,264,47,56"
        !            56: href="XXX">
        !            57: </map>
        !            58: 
        !            59: <img src="../../w3c_la3.gif" alt="image: w3c_la3.gif " width="500"
        !            60: height="300">
        !            61:  
1.1       cvs        62: 
                     63: <table border="1" style="background-color : #D5C1FF; color : #FFFFFF">
                     64: <tbody>
                     65: <tr>
1.2       cvs        66: <td align=center width="33%"><p style="font-size : 14pt">
1.1       cvs        67: <a href="">W3C Home</a></p>
                     68: </td>
1.2       cvs        69: <td align=center width="33%"><p style="font-size : 14pt">
1.1       cvs        70: <a href="">Amaya Home</a></p>
                     71: </td>
1.2       cvs        72: <td align=center width="33%"><p style="font-size : 14pt">
1.1       cvs        73: <a href="">Amaya Manual</a></p>
                     74: </td>
                     75: </tr>
                     76: </tbody>
                     77: </table>
                     78: </body>
                     79: </html>
