/* * * (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996. * Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT. * */ #include "amaya.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "content.h" #include "view.h" #include "interface.h" #include "message.h" #include "AHTMemConv.h" #include "init.h" #include "AHTURLTools.h" /* defined here */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsHTMLName ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsHTMLName (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsHTMLName (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { char temppath[MAX_LENGTH]; char suffix[MAX_LENGTH]; char nsuffix[MAX_LENGTH]; int i; if (!path) return FALSE; strcpy (temppath, path); ExtractSuffix (temppath, suffix); /* Normalize the suffix */ i = 0; while (suffix[i] != EOS) nsuffix[i] = TOLOWER (suffix[i++]); nsuffix[i] = EOS; if ((strcmp (nsuffix, "html")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "htm")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "shtml"))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsImageName ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsImageName (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsImageName (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { char temppath[MAX_LENGTH]; char suffix[MAX_LENGTH]; char nsuffix[MAX_LENGTH]; int i; if (!path) return FALSE; strcpy (temppath, path); ExtractSuffix (temppath, suffix); /* Normalize the suffix */ i = 0; while (suffix[i] != EOS) nsuffix[i] = TOLOWER (suffix[i++]); nsuffix[i] = EOS; if ((strcmp (nsuffix, "gif")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "xbm")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "xpm")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "jpg")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "png")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "au"))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsTextName ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsTextName (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsTextName (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { char temppath[MAX_LENGTH]; char suffix[MAX_LENGTH]; char nsuffix[MAX_LENGTH]; int i; if (!path) return FALSE; strcpy (temppath, path); ExtractSuffix (temppath, suffix); /* Normalize the suffix */ i = 0; while (suffix[i] != EOS) { nsuffix[i] = TOLOWER (suffix[i]); i++; } nsuffix[i] = EOS; if ((strcmp (nsuffix, "gif")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "xbm")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "xpm")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "jpg")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "pdf")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "png")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "Z")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "gz")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "tgz")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "xpg")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "xpd")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "ps")) && (strcmp (nsuffix, "au"))) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsHTTPPath ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsHTTPPath (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsHTTPPath (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { if (!path) return FALSE; if (strncmp (path, "http:", 5) != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsWithParameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsWithParameters (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsWithParameters (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { int i; if ((!path) || (path[0] == EOS)) return FALSE; i = strlen (path) - 1; while (i > 0 && path[i--] != '?') if (i < 0) return FALSE; /* There is a parameter */ return TRUE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsW3Path ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsW3Path (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsW3Path (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { if ((strncmp (path, "http:", 5)) && (strncmp (path, "ftp:", 4)) && (strncmp (path, "telnet:", 7)) && (strncmp (path, "wais:", 5)) && (strncmp (path, "news:", 5)) && (strncmp (path, "gopher:", 7)) && (strncmp (path, "mailto:", 7)) && (strncmp (path, "archie:", 7))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsValidProtocol ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsValidProtocol (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsValidProtocol (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { if (!strncmp (path, "http:", 5) /***|| !strncmp (path, "ftp:", 4) || !strncmp (path, "news:", 5)***/ ) return (YES); else return (NO); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsValidNormalizeURL says which URL's may be normalized ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsValidNormalizeURL (char *path) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsValidNormalizeURL (path) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { if (strchr (path, ':') && !strncmp (path, "http:", 5)) return (YES); else return (NO); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- NormalizeURL provides the new complete and normalized URL or file name path and the name of the document. orgName is the original requested name. doc identifies the document which provides the original name. newName is the resulting URL of file name. docName is the resulting document name. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ void NormalizeURL (char *orgName, Document doc, char *newName, char *docName) #else /* __STDC__ */ void NormalizeURL (orgName, doc, newName, docName) char *orgName; Document doc; char *newName; char *docName; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { char basename[MAX_LENGTH]; char tempname[MAX_LENGTH]; int i; char *ptr; char *basename_ptr; int basename_flag; Element el; ElementType elType; AttributeType attrType; Attribute attrHREF; int length; /* Fix up orgName, by erasing leading and trailing white space */ if (!newName || !docName) return; ptr = orgName; while (*ptr == ' ' && *ptr++ != EOS) ; strcpy (tempname, ptr); ptr = strchr (tempname, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = EOS; /* ** the following block to take into account the BASE element. ** This is not very optimized, as this procedure is repeated for ** each element which is retrieved. A better way would be to ** move this higher up in the function call hierarchy. */ if (IsValidNormalizeURL (tempname) && doc) { length = MAX_LENGTH; /* get the root element */ el = TtaGetMainRoot (doc); /* search the BASE element */ elType.ElSSchema = TtaGetDocumentSSchema (doc); elType.ElTypeNum = HTML_EL_BASE; el = TtaSearchTypedElement (elType, SearchInTree, el); if (el) { /* ** The document has a BASE element ** Get the HREF attribute of the BASE Element */ attrType.AttrSSchema = elType.ElSSchema; attrType.AttrTypeNum = HTML_ATTR_HREF_; attrHREF = TtaGetAttribute (el, attrType); if (attrHREF) { /* ** Use the base path of the document ** To do: verify length of the buffer ** length > TtaGetTextAttributeLength (attrHREF) + strlen (orgName) */ TtaGiveTextAttributeValue (attrHREF, basename, &length); /* ** base and orgName have to be separated by a DIR_SEP */ if (basename[strlen (basename) - 1] != DIR_SEP && tempname[0] != DIR_SEP) strcat (basename, DIR_STR); } } else basename[0] = EOS; } else basename[0] = EOS; if (basename[0] == EOS) { /* ** There is no BASE element in that document. ** A temporary fix as TtaExtractName does not tolerate a name ** ending in /. Here, we reinsert the slash, in order to ** parse the name in the following two lines. A bit ** redundant and has to be reviewed. */ if (DocumentURLs[(int) doc]) { basename_ptr = HTParse (DocumentURLs[(int) doc], "", PARSE_ALL); basename_flag = TRUE; } else { basename_ptr = ""; basename_flag = FALSE; } } else { basename_ptr = HTParse (basename, "", PARSE_ALL); basename_flag = TRUE; } /* if-else tempname */ ptr = HTParse (tempname, basename_ptr, PARSE_ALL); if (basename_flag) HT_FREE (basename_ptr); if (ptr) { ptr = HTSimplify (&ptr); strcpy (newName, ptr); HT_FREE (ptr); } else newName[0] = EOS; i = strlen (newName) - 1; if (i > 0) { /* ** A temporary fix for an interfacing problem: ** TtaExtractName does not tolerate url's finished on DIR_SEP */ ptr = strrchr (newName, DIR_SEP); if (ptr) ptr++; if (ptr && *ptr != EOS) strcpy (docName, ptr); else /* ** The docname was not comprised inside the URL, so let's ** assign a "noname.html" name :) */ strcpy (docName, "noname.html"); /* ** A temporary fix for an interfacing problem: ** TtaExtractName does not tolerate url's finished on DIR_SEP */ if (newName[i] == DIR_SEP) newName[i] = EOS; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- IsSameHost ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ boolean IsSameHost (char *url1, char *url2) #else /* __STDC__ */ boolean IsSameHost (url1, url2) char *path; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { char *basename_ptr1, *basename_ptr2; boolean result; basename_ptr1 = HTParse (url1, "", PARSE_ACCESS | PARSE_HOST | PARSE_PUNCTUATION); basename_ptr2 = HTParse (url2, "", PARSE_ACCESS | PARSE_HOST | PARSE_PUNCTUATION); if (strcmp (basename_ptr1, basename_ptr2)) result = NO; else result = YES; HT_FREE (basename_ptr1); HT_FREE (basename_ptr2); return (result); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- AHTMakeRelativeURL ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __STDC__ char *AHTMakeRelativeName (char *url, char *base_url) #else /* __STDC__ */ char *AHTMakeRelativeName (url, base_url) char url; char base_url; #endif /* __STDC__ */ { char *base_ptr, *url_ptr; char *result; /* verify if we are in the same host */ base_ptr = HTParse (base_url, "", PARSE_ACCESS | PARSE_HOST | PARSE_PUNCTUATION); url_ptr = HTParse (url, "", PARSE_ACCESS | PARSE_HOST | PARSE_PUNCTUATION); if (!strcmp (base_ptr, url_ptr)) { HT_FREE (base_ptr); HT_FREE (url_ptr); /* Normalize the URLs */ base_ptr = HTParse (base_url, "", PARSE_ALL); url_ptr = HTParse (url, "", PARSE_ALL); /* Use libwww to make relative name */ result = HTRelative (url_ptr, base_ptr); HT_FREE (base_ptr); HT_FREE (url_ptr); } else result = (char *) NULL; return (result); }