;-------------------------------- ;Include Modern UI !include "MUI.nsh" ;-------------------------------- ;General ;Name and file !define VERSION "11.3" Name "Amaya" OutFile "amaya-WinXP-${VERSION}.exe" ;Use lzma to compress (better than zip) SetCompressor lzma ;Default installation folder InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Amaya" ;Get installation folder from registry if available InstallDirRegKey HKCU "Software\Amaya" "" ;-------------------------------- ;Variables Var STARTMENU_FOLDER ;-------------------------------- ;Interface Settings !define MUI_ABORTWARNING ;-------------------------------- ;Language Selection Dialog Settings ;Remember the installer language !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_ROOT "HKCU" !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\Amaya" !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Installer Language" ;-------------------------------- ;Pages !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "amaya\COPYRIGHT" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ;Start Menu Folder Page Configuration !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_ROOT "HKCU" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\Amaya" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Start Menu Folder" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $STARTMENU_FOLDER !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "Visit the Amaya site for the latest news, FAQs and support" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION "http://www.w3.org/Amaya" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOREBOOTSUPPORT !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES ;-------------------------------- ;Languages !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Spanish" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SimpChinese" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "TradChinese" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Japanese" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Korean" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Swedish" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Norwegian" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Finnish" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Greek" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Russian" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Portuguese" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "PortugueseBR" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Polish" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Ukrainian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Czech" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Croatian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Bulgarian" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Thai" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Romanian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Latvian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Macedonian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Estonian" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Turkish" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Lithuanian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Catalan" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovenian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Serbian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SerbianLatin" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Arabic" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Farsi" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hebrew" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Indonesian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Mongolian" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Luxembourgish" ; !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Albanian" ;-------------------------------- ;Reserve Files ;These files should be inserted before other files in the data block ;Keep these lines before any File command ;Only for solid compression (by default, solid compression is enabled for BZIP2 and LZMA) !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_LANGDLL ;-------------------------------- ;Installer Sections Section "Amaya" SecAmaya SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Testing supported OS..." SetDetailsPrint listonly ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;Test the platform ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion StrCmp $R0 "" lbl_notwinnt lbl_winnt ; we are not NT lbl_notwinnt: ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" VersionNumber StrCpy $R1 $R0 3 StrCmp $R1 '4.0' lbl_win32_95 StrCmp $R1 '4.9' lbl_win32_ME lbl_win32_98 lbl_win32_95: Abort "Win95 not supported" lbl_win32_98: Abort "Win98 not supported" lbl_win32_ME: Abort "WinME not supported" lbl_winnt: StrCpy $R1 $R0 3 StrCpy $R0 'XP' Goto lbl_done lbl_done: ;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ;This section is required : readonly mode SectionIn RO SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing Amaya binaries and wxWidgets DLL" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin" File WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe File WindowsWX\bin\wxmsw*u_xrc_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxmsw*u_html_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxmsw*u_core_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxmsw*u_adv_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxmsw*u_aui_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxmsw*u_gl_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxbase*u_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxbase*u_net_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\wxbase*u_xml_vc_custom.dll File WindowsWX\bin\thotprinter.dll ; File WindowsWX\bin\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest ; File WindowsWX\bin\msvc*.dll SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing Amaya resources : icons, dialogues" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\icons\misc" File resources\icons\misc\*.png File resources\icons\misc\*.gif File resources\icons\misc\*.ico SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\icons\16x16" File resources\icons\16x16\*.png File resources\icons\16x16\*.ico SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\icons\22x22" File resources\icons\22x22\*.png SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\svg" File resources\svg\*.png File resources\svg\*.svg SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\svg\balloons" File resources\svg\balloons\*.png File resources\svg\balloons\*.svg SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\svg\block_arrows" File resources\svg\block_arrows\*.png File resources\svg\block_arrows\*.svg SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\svg\chemistry" File resources\svg\chemistry\*.png File resources\svg\chemistry\*.svg SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\svg\circuit_diagram" File resources\svg\circuit_diagram\*.png File resources\svg\circuit_diagram\*.svg SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\svg\logic_gates" File resources\svg\logic_gates\*.png File resources\svg\logic_gates\*.svg SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\svg\polygons_and_stars" File resources\svg\polygons_and_stars\*.png File resources\svg\polygons_and_stars\*.svg SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\resources\xrc" File resources\xrc\*.xrc SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\amaya\wxdialog" File amaya\wxdialog\appicon.ico File amaya\wxdialog\amaya.rc SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing Amaya schemas" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\amaya" File amaya\COPYRIGHT File amaya\*.png File amaya\*.gif File amaya\*.css File amaya\*.html* File amaya\*.PRS File amaya\*.STR File amaya\*.TRA File amaya\*.conf File amaya\*.en File amaya\*.trans* File amaya\*.ico File amaya\*.svg SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing annotlib schemas" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\annotlib" File annotlib\*.png File annotlib\*.gif File annotlib\*.PRS File annotlib\*.STR File annotlib\*.TRA File annotlib\*.en SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing Amaya config files" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\config" File config\*-amayadialogue File config\*-libdialogue File config\*-amayamsg File config\*-libdialogue File config\fonts.* File config\amaya.kb File config\amaya.profiles File config\*.rdf File config\*.css File config\annot.schemas File config\win-thot.rc File config\rdfa.dat File config\rdfa_list.dat SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing Amaya dictionnaries" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\dicopar" File dicopar\alphabet File dicopar\*.ptn File dicopar\clavier File dicopar\*.dic SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing Amaya documentation" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc\WX" File doc\WX\* SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc\WX\HTML-elements" File doc\WX\HTML-elements\* SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc\images" File doc\images\* SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Installing Amaya ttf fonts" SetDetailsPrint listonly SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\fonts" File fonts\* SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Writting registry keys" SetDetailsPrint listonly ;Store installation folder WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Amaya" "" $INSTDIR WriteRegExpandStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Amaya" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"' WriteRegExpandStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Amaya" "InstallLocation" "$INSTDIR" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Amaya" "DisplayName" "Amaya" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Amaya" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Amaya" "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Amaya" "URLInfoAbout" "http://www.w3.org/Amaya" ; Associate files to amaya WriteRegStr HKCR "Amaya" "" "Amaya Files" WriteRegStr HKCR "Amaya\DefaultIcon" "" "$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe" ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR "Amaya\shell\open\command" "" StrCmp $R0 "" 0 no_amayaopen WriteRegStr HKCR "Amaya\shell" "" "open" WriteRegStr HKCR "Amaya\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe" "%1"' no_amayaopen: ;Create uninstaller WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" ;Install Amaya for all users SetShellVarContext all ;Start Menu !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application ;Create shortcuts CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\Amaya.lnk" "$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END ;Create desktop link CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Amaya.lnk" "$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe" ;register extension files WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtd" "" "XTD" WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtl" "" "XTL" WriteRegStr HKCR ".svg" "" "SVG" WriteRegStr HKCR ".mml" "" "MML" WriteRegStr HKCR ".html" "" "HTML" WriteRegStr HKCR ".htm" "" "HTM" WriteRegStr HKCR "XTD\Shell\Action2" "" "Edit with Amaya" WriteRegStr HKCR "XTD\Shell\Action2\command" "" '$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe "%1"' WriteRegStr HKCR "XTL\Shell\Action2" "" "Edit with Amaya" WriteRegStr HKCR "XTL\Shell\Action2\command" "" '$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe "%1"' WriteRegStr HKCR "SVG\Shell\Action2" "" "Edit with Amaya" WriteRegStr HKCR "SVG\Shell\Action2\command" "" '$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe "%1"' WriteRegStr HKCR "MML\Shell\Action2" "" "Edit with Amaya" WriteRegStr HKCR "MML\Shell\Action2\command" "" '$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe "%1"' WriteRegStr HKCR "HTML\Shell\Action2" "" "Edit with Amaya" WriteRegStr HKCR "HTML\Shell\Action2\command" "" '$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe "%1"' WriteRegStr HKCR "HTM\Shell\Action2" "" "Edit with Amaya" WriteRegStr HKCR "HTM\Shell\Action2\command" "" '$INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe "%1"' SectionEnd SubSection "File association" SecFileAss ; --> .html Section /o ".html (HyperText Markup Language)" SecAssHTML ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".html" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".html" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".html" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd ; --> .htm Section /o ".htm (HyperText Markup Language)" SecAssHTM ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".htm" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".htm" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".htm" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd ; --> .xml Section /o ".xml (eXtensible Markup Language)" SecAssXML ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xml" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".xml" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".xml" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd ; --> .svg Section /o ".svg (Scalable Vector Graphics)" SecAssSVG ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".svg" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".svg" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".svg" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd ; --> .mml Section /o ".mml (MathML)" SecAssMML ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".mml" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".mml" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".mml" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd ; --> .css Section /o ".css (Cascading Style Sheets)" SecAssCSS ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".css" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".css" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".css" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd ; --> .xtd Section /o ".xtd (XTiger Template)" SecAssXTD ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xtd" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtd" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtd" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd ; --> .xtl Section /o ".xtl (XTiger Library)" SecAssXTL ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xtl" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" allready_amaya no_amaya no_amaya: WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtl" "AM_OLD_VALUE" $R0 WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtl" "" "Amaya" allready_amaya: SectionEnd SubSectionEnd ;-------------------------------- ;Installer Functions Function .onInit !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY FunctionEnd ;-------------------------------- ;Descriptions ;USE A LANGUAGE STRING IF YOU WANT YOUR DESCRIPTIONS TO BE LANGAUGE SPECIFIC ;Assign descriptions to sections !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecAmaya} "Install main Amaya program (mandatory)." !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecFileAss} "Selects Amaya as the default application for files of these types." !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END ;-------------------------------- ;Uninstaller Section Section "Uninstall" SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Uninstalling Amaya..." SetDetailsPrint listonly IfFileExists $INSTDIR\WindowsWX\bin\amaya.exe amaya_installed MessageBox MB_YESNO "It does not appear that Amaya is installed in the directory '$INSTDIR'.$\r$\nContinue anyway (not recommended)?" IDYES amaya_installed Abort "Uninstall aborted by user" amaya_installed: SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Deleting Files..." SetDetailsPrint listonly ;Uninstall Amaya for all users SetShellVarContext all ReadRegStr $STARTMENU_FOLDER HKCU "Software\Amaya" "Start Menu Folder" IfFileExists "$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\Amaya.lnk" amaya_smp_installed Goto amaya_smp_notinstalled amaya_smp_installed: Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\Amaya.lnk" Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\Uninstall.lnk" RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER" Delete "$DESKTOP\Amaya.lnk" amaya_smp_notinstalled: RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" SetDetailsPrint textonly DetailPrint "Deleting Registry Keys..." SetDetailsPrint listonly DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Amaya" DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Amaya" DeleteRegKey HKCR "Amaya" DeleteRegKey HKCU "Software\Amaya" DeleteRegValue HKCR "XTD\Shell\Action2" "Edit with Amaya" ;DeleteRegValue HKCR "XTD\Shell\Action2\command" "Edit with Amaya" DeleteRegValue HKCR "XTL\Shell\Action2" "Edit with Amaya" ;DeleteRegValue HKCR "XTL\Shell\Action2\command" "Edit with Amaya" DeleteRegValue HKCR "SVG\Shell\Action2" "Edit with Amaya" ;DeleteRegValue HKCR "SVG\Shell\Action2\command" "Edit with Amaya" DeleteRegValue HKCR "MML\Shell\Action2" "Edit with Amaya" ;DeleteRegValue HKCR "MML\Shell\Action2\command" "Edit with Amaya" WriteRegStr HKCR "HTML\Shell\Action2\command" "" '' DeleteRegValue HKCR "HTML\Shell\Action2\command" "" DeleteRegValue HKCR "HTML\Shell\Action2" "Edit with Amaya" DeleteRegValue HKCR "HTM\Shell\Action2" "Edit with Amaya" ;DeleteRegValue HKCR "HTM\Shell\Action2\command" "Edit with Amaya" ; uninstall files associations ; --> .html ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".html" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".html" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".html" "" $R0 ; --> .htm ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".htm" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".htm" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".htm" "" $R0 ; --> .css ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".css" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".css" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".css" "" $R0 ; --> .svg ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".svg" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".svg" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".svg" "" $R0 ; --> .mml ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".mml" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".mml" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".mml" "" $R0 ; --> .xml ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xml" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xml" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".xml" "" $R0 ; --> .xtd ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xtd" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xtd" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtd" "" $R0 ; --> .xtl ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xtl" "" StrCmp $R0 "Amaya" 0 +3 ReadRegStr $R0 HKCR ".xtl" "AM_OLD_VALUE" WriteRegStr HKCR ".xtl" "" $R0 SectionEnd ;-------------------------------- ;Uninstaller Functions Function un.onInit !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE FunctionEnd