Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification Errata

This document:
Last modified:
$Date: 2009-01-29 04:38:42 $
This document records known errors in the document:
The latest version of the SVG Tiny 1.2 Recommendation:


This document addresses errors in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification Recommendation published on 22 December 2008. It records all errors that, at the time of this document’s publication, have solutions that have been approved by the SVG Working Group.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This document lists all corrections for the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny 1.2 Specification Recommendation that have been approved by the SVG Working Group.

Each erratum is classified as markup, editorial or substantive. These categories are defined as follows:

A change to the document markup, such as fixing a broken link or invalid markup.
An editorial change or clarification that does not change the technical content of the specification.
A change to the specification that may affect conformance.

These categories correspond to the first three correction classes in the W3C Process Document.

Each erratum has one of two statuses: proposed and normative. Proposed errata are those that have been accepted by the Working Group but which still need wider technical review and endorsement from the W3C. Normative errata are those that have been accepted by the Working Group and have had wider technical review and endorsement by the W3C. (See the Errata Management section of the W3C Process Document for details.)

Comments on the specification or these errata may be sent to www-svg@w3.org, which is publicly archived.

2. Normative corrections

There are currently no normative corrections.

3. Proposed corrections

[E3] XLink attribute definitions have mismatching quotes
Status Proposed on 2009-01-29
Category Editorial
Reported by Cameron McCormack
In reference to

In the “IRI reference attributes” section, the definitions for the 'xlink:show' and 'xlink:actuate' attributes use single quotes where double quotes should be used.

Resolution The quotes should be fixed to be consistent.

In http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-SVGTiny12-20081222/linking.html#xlinkRefAttrs, replace:

xlink:show = "new' | 'replace' | 'embed' | 'other' | 'none'
xlink:actuate = "onLoad'


xlink:show = "new" | "replace" | "embed" | "other" | "none"
xlink:actuate = "onLoad"
[E2] AsyncStatusCallback should be implementable by an ECMAScript Function
Status Proposed on 2009-01-14
Category Substantive
Reported by Michael Garrett
In reference to
Comment Bug 6183

The ECMAScript Language Binding appendix does not state that an AsyncStatusCallback can be implemented with a plain ECMAScript Function object, like it does for EventListener. The test suite assumes that the interface can be implemented with a Function.

Resolution The AsyncStatusCallback interface should be able to be implemented by a plain ECMAScript Function object.

In http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-SVGTiny12-20081222/ecmascript-binding.html#module-svg, replace:

Object AsyncStatusCallback
The AsyncStatusCallback object has the following methods:
This method has no return value. The status parameter is of type AsyncURLStatus.


Function AsyncStatusCallback

In ECMAScript, an AsyncStatusCallback can be specified in one of two ways. The first is an ECMAScript Function object, where the function itself is considered to be the implementation of the operationComplete operation. The second is an ECMAScript object with a property operationComplete, which provides the implementation of the operationComplete operation. If an ECMAScript Function object also has an operationComplete property, then that operationComplete property and not the Function itself is considered to be the implementation of the operationComplete operation.

The AsyncStatusCallback object has the following methods:
This method has no return value. The status parameter is of type AsyncURLStatus.
[E1] 'd' attribute on 'glyph' element type misspelled and not linked
Status Proposed on 2009-01-14
Category Editorial
Reported by Cameron McCormack
In reference to

The definition of the 'd' attribute on the 'glyph' element does not link to the type in the data types chapter.

Resolution The type of the attribute should be spelled correctly and linked to the definition in the data types chapter.

In http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-SVGTiny12-20081222/fonts.html#GlyphElementDAttribute, replace:

d = "path data"


d = "<path-data>"