raster image of interact-pevents-05-b.svg

Operator script (click here to toggle)

Pass Criteria

When the mouse is over a glyph, then all of the glyphs within the light blue box must be green.

When the mouse is within one of the white space strips, then all of the glyphs within the light blue box must be black.

When the mouse is within the strip containing the first, second or fourth glyph ("@", "A" or "Ö") and it is below the glyph, then all of the glyphs within the light blue box must be black.

When the mouse is within the strip containing the second, third, fourth or fifth glyph ("A", "y", "Ö" or "ç") and it is above the glyph, then all of the glyphs within the light blue box must be black.