File I/O

Copyright © 2008 Opera Software ASA. All rights reserved.


This document is a proposal from Opera Software, submitted to the WebAPI working group as a proposed base for the work item currently called "file upload API". In the event of this draft being accepted as a basis for the Working Group drafts, Opera Software will offer Copyright and any other Intellectual Property Rights in accordance with standard practice under the W3C's Royalty-Free Patent Policy.


This document describes an interface for an abstract File I/O interface where web applications can interact with a file system, without any prior knowledge about the underlying filesystem. This interface can be used for e.g. an image preview before submitting a form or for saving a drawing from a canvas painting web application locally.

Table of Contents


Traditionally, web applications have had little to no access to resources residing on the local filesystem. The ECMAScript interfaces for file I/O specifies a sandboxed file system, where a widget or other trusted component can gain access to the local file system.

The File I/O interfaces in this specification represent an abstract filesystem, without knowledge of the underlying filesystem's path separators, conventions for setting file properties such as read/write permissions.

The interfaces provide methods for opening files, writing to them, creating files and directories, moving or deleting them, and so forth.

There are several known issues in this specification. The usage of RFC2119 terminology needs to be tighter, processing requirements are not properly defined everywhere, exceptions are poorly handled at the moment, some terms are used but not defined, and so forth.


In order to work with files, an application first has to acquire a mountpoint. A mountpoint is either a reference to a file or folder on a disk, or an abstract reference to a set of files which might not necessarily be within the same folder.

The FileSystem interface

In a context where the FileSystem interface is made available to applications, the interface is instantiated as When present, this object provides attributes and methods for acquiring access to files and folders on the local filesystem.

interface FileSystem {
  readonly attribute File      mountPoints;

  File               mountSystemDirectory(in DOMString location);
  File               mountSystemDirectory(in DOMString location,
                                                                    in DOMString name);
  void               removeMountPoint(in File mountpoint);
  void               removeMountPoint(in DOMString name);
  void               browseForDirectory(in DOMString name,
                                        in DOMString defaultLocation,
                                        in function callback);
  void               browseForDirectory(in DOMString name,
                                        in DOMString defaultLocation,
                                        in function callback,
                                        in Boolean persistent);
  void               browseForFile(in DOMString name,
                                   in DOMString defaultLocation,
                                   in function callback);
  void               browseForFile(in DOMString name,
                                   in DOMString defaultLocation,
                                   in function callback,
                                   in Boolean persistent);
  void               browseForFile(in DOMString name,
                                   in DOMString defaultLocation,
                                   in function callback,
                                   in Boolean persistent,
                                   in Boolean multiple);
  void               browseForSave(in DOMString filename,
                                   in DOMString defaultLocation,
                                   in function callback,
                                   in Boolean persistent);


FileSystem attributes and methods

The mountPoints attribute of type File, readonly

The mountPoints attribute, of type File is a file object that contains a collection of File objects representing the other currently mounted directories.

The mountSystemDirectory() method

The mountSystemDirectory() method is used to mount predefined directories that the application should normally have access to, such as the application folder, or the application's private storage folder.

The mountSystemDirectory() method takes a DOMString argument, location, which expresses the location of the system directory. Additionally, an optional name argument may be specified, which will correspond to the mountpoint_name of a mountpoint protocol URL. If this argument is missing, it is assumed to be present, with the same value as the location argument.

A private file storage where the application can store data required for the application. Read-write
The files and folders where the application resides. When mounted, this directory is read-only.

If the mountSystemDirectory() method is called, and it does not specify a valid mountpoint, the call to the method will result in no action, and the return value will be null. When the function is called, and its call results in a valid mountpoint being created, the function returns a reference to the newly mounted file object.

The removeMountPoint() method

The removeMountPoint method takes a File argument of an object which is a mountpoint or a DOMString with the name of a mountpoint. When called, the user agent must mark the mountpoint as not persistent, must remove the mountpoint from the list of mountpoints, and must finally return nothing.

If the mountpoint being removed is not a current mountpoint, a general error is thrown. (A more sane exception should be implemented)

The browseForDirectory() method

The browseForDirectory() is used to acquire access to a sandboxed file system resource on the user's system. When invoked, the method should present the user with a directory chooser dialog. On implementations where the user-visible file system representation consists of a single folder, and implementation may just display a confirmation dialog asking the user whether the user wants to allow access.

The first argument to browseForDirectory() is a DOMString with the desired name of the mountpoint. This argument will correspond to the mountpoint_name of a mountpoint protocol URL. If the type of the argument is wrong, or the value of the string specified is not permissible as a name for a mountpoint, a generic error is thrown.

The second argument to browseForDirectory() is a DOMString representing the default location in which the dialog should start. The locations themselves are case-insensitive strings such as 'Photos', 'Documents', 'Music', 'Images', but other, system-specific strings may also exist. In the case that the string specified is not supported by the system, the browseForDirectory() method is expected to start in what corresponds to the user's home directory, or last directory, depending on the conventions of the operating system the application is running.

The third argument to browseForDirectory(), a function, must called when the user has successfully navigated to a directory, and selected/approved the folder selection. This function is called with the newly acquired mountpoint represented as a File object. In the case that a user cancels the dialog, the callback is called, but the argument to the function should be null.

The last argument to browseForDirectory is a Boolean argument determining whether the mountpoint is to be made persistent across restarts of the application. If this argument is missing, it is assumed to be present, with a default value of false. If the argument is true then the File object must be marked as persistent.

A call to browseForDirectory() should be ignored if the call does not happen as a direct result of direct user interaction. User interaction is defined as being any non-synthetic click, mousedown, mouseup or key event, similar to how a heuristic pop-up blocker prohibits opening popups except when as a result of direct user interaction. If browseForDirectory() is called without such interaction, the call should be ignored entirely by the underlying runtime.

After successfully calling and selecting a valid directory, the File object acquired from browseForDirectory() must be made available in the mountPoints File object.

Further, after successfully mounting, the files contained within the mountpoint must be available through the mountpoint protocol.

When attempting to create a mountpoint with a name that is previously in use, a GENERIC_ERR exception is thrown.

The browseForFile() method

The browseForFile() method takes three arguments, plus two optional arguments, and is used to allow the user to browse for a single directory.

The return value, and first four arguments for browseForFile() are the same as for browseForDirectory(). The browseForFile() method also follows the same restrictions on when the method can be called, and returns the same errors as the browseForDirectory() method.

The fifth, optional, argument to browseForFile() is an Array of content types that should be shown in the file chooser dialog, and that should be selectable in a dropdown of file types to be filtered.

It's an open issue what should be in this array exactly.

The browseForSave() method

The browseForSave() method is used to select a file for saving. When called, the function returns void.

The first argument to browseForSave() is a DOMString with the suggested default file name for saving. The second and third arguments specifies, as for the other browseFor*() methods, a suggested default location to save the file in, and the callback to call once the user has selected a file for saving. If the forth argument is true then the File object must be marked persistent.

When the user has successfully selected a file to save, the callback is called with a File as argument. This file object may or may not exist on disk (i.e. have it's exists attribute set or not), depending on whether the user chose an existing file or created a new one in the dialog.

The File interface

The File interface represents objects in a virtual filesystem, and can represent either a file or a folder. A file object consists of a number of properties, and methods for working on these objects

File objects that are marked as persistent must persist across restarts of the application.

interface File {
  readonly attribute File      parent; // Null if this is the mountpoint
  readonly attribute Boolean   readOnly;
  readonly attribute Boolean   exists;
  readonly attribute Boolean   isFile;
  readonly attribute Boolean   isDirectory;
  readonly attribute Boolean   isArchive;
  readonly attribute Object    metaData;
           attribute Date      created;
           attribute Date      modified;
  readonly attribute DOMString name;
  readonly attribute DOMString path;
  readonly attribute DOMString nativePath;
  readonly attribute Integer   fileSize;
  readonly attribute Integer   length;
  readonly attribute Integer   maxPathLength;

  FileStream      open(in File file, in DOMString mode);
  FileStream      open(in File file, in DOMString mode, in Boolean async);

  FileStream      open(in DOMString file, in DOMString mode);
  FileStream      open(in DOMString file, in DOMString mode, in Boolean async);

  File            copyTo(in File path);
  File            copyTo(in File path, in Boolean overwrite);
  File            copyTo(in File path, in Boolean overwrite, in Function onCompleteCallback);
  File            copyTo(in DOMString path);
  File            copyTo(in DOMString path, in Boolean overwrite);
  File            copyTo(in DOMString path, in Boolean overwrite, in Function onCompleteCallback);

  File            moveTo(in File path);
  File            moveTo(in File path, in Boolean overwrite);
  File            moveTo(in File path, in Boolean overwrite, in Function onCompleteCallback);
  File            moveTo(in DOMString path);
  File            moveTo(in DOMString path, in Boolean overwrite);
  File            moveTo(in DOMString path, in Boolean overwrite, in Function onCompleteCallback);

  File            createDirectory(in File directory);
  File            createDirectory(in DOMString directory);

  Boolean         deleteDirectory(in DOMString directory)
  Boolean         deleteDirectory(in DOMString directory, in Boolean recursive)
  Boolean         deleteDirectory(in File directory)
  Boolean         deleteDirectory(in File directory, in Boolean recursive)

  void            deleteFile(in File file);
  void            deleteFile(in DOMString file);

  void            refresh();
  File            resolve(in DOMString path);

  DOMString       toString();

Members of the File interface

The parent attribute, of type File, readonly

The parent attribute contains a pointer to the parent file object. Normally, this object will have the attribute isDirectory set to true, but in the case where it also represents an archive file in the zip format (or other supported formats, this object will in addition have the isArchive attribute set to true. In the case that the File object is the same object as the mountPoints attribute of the FileSystem object, the value will be null.

For other file references that does not naturally have a parent, the value will also be null.

The readOnly attribute, of type Boolean, readonly

The readonly attribute determines whether a File object is writable. If the file is writable, the value of the attribute must be false, otherwise it must be true.

The exists attribute, of type Boolean, readonly

If the file reference held by the File object exists as an object on disk, the value of this attribute must be true, otherwise the value must be false.

The isFile attribute, of type Boolean, readonly

If the object referenced by the File object is a file, the value of this attribute will be true, otherwise false. This also applies to files that can be treated as an archive, such as a zip file.

The isDirectory attribute, of type Boolean, readonly

If the object referenced by the File object is a directory, the value of this attribute will be true, otherwise false. File that has the isArchive attribute set, such as zip files will also have this attribute set.

The isArchive attribute, of type Boolean, readonly

If the File object being referenced is an archive type file, i.e. a zip file, the value of this attribute will be true, otherwise the value of this attribute will be false.

Files where this attribute is true, are treatable both as directories, or as files: It is thus possible to resolve files inside the archive directly for opening, or the stream is openable using the open() method.

The metaData attribute, of type Object, readonly

The metaData attribute is an Object that holds various metatdata connected to the file. Normally, the value of this attribute will be null.

The created attribute, of type Date

The created attribute is a Date object corresponding to the File object's creation time. The value of the object should not be null if creation date of the file or directory is missing, but may fall back to using another appropriate date.

Assigning a Date object to the created date should, if possible set the creation date for the file. If setting this date is not possible, assigning a date to the created attribute in question should fail silently.

The modified attribute, of type Date

The modified attribute is a Date object corresponding to the File object's creation time. The value of the object should not be null if creation date of the file or directory is missing, but may fall back to using another appropriate date.

Assigning a Date object to the modified date should, if possible set the creation date for the file. If setting this date is not possible, assigning a modification date to the modified attribute in question should fail silently.

The name attribute, of type DOMString, readonly

The name attribute is the URL encoded file name of the file or directory represented by the File object.

If the File object is a directory, the value of the name attribute will be that of the directory itself.

The path attribute, of type DOMString, readonly

The path attribute is a URL encoded DOMString holding the path of the file as represented in the context of the sandboxed file system representation. The path is absolute, beginning with a slash, and the name of the mountpoint.

The path attribute must include the name of the file or the folder itself.

The nativePath attribute, of type DOMString, readonly

The nativePath attribute is a DOMString with a system-specific representation of the complete path (including filename) of the object on disk.

Unlike other path references, the nativePath should not be URL encoded, and resolving this native path should not work in any method that resolves path or file names.

For File objects mounted using mountSystemDirectory() nativePath will be the empty string.

The fileSize attribute, of type DOMString, readonly

If the object referenced by a File object is a file, i.e. the value of the isFile attribute is true, the value of the fileSize attribute will represent the file size, in bytes, of the File object.

When the File object in question is not a file, meaning that isFile is false, the value of fileSize is 0.

The length attribute, of type DOMString, readonly

The length attribute represents the number of files and folders contained within a File object that has its isDirectory attribute set to true.

For objects that has isDirectory set to false, the value must always be 0.

Note that the length attribute is not dynamically updated, and should initially be 0 before refresh() is called on the object, with the notable exception of the File object in the mountPoints attribute.

The maxPathLength attribute, of type unsigned int, readonly

The maxPathLength attribute is a number representing the maximum number of characters that can be used in a pathname of files contained within a File object.

The open() method

The open() method is used to open a file stream for reading and writing. Upon a successful call to open, a new FileStream object is returned, allowing an application to read contents from and write contents to a file.

The open() method takes three arguments. The first argument should be either a DOMString path reference, or a File object, or null. In the case that the value is null, a call to open open() must attempt to open the file object on which the call itself was made.

The second argument to open() is a DOMString, describing the file mode to use when opening the file. Valid modes are:

Should these be bit fields or enums instead of strings?

Open stream for reading, place pointer at the beginning of the file.
Open the stream for reading and writing. Place the pointer at the beginning
Open file for writing, set the pointer to the start of the stream. If the file exists, truncate the file to zero-length. If the file does not exist, create it
Open file for reading and writing, set the pointer to the start of the stream. If the file exists, truncate the file to zero-length. If the file does not exist, create it
Open file for writing, set the pointer to the end of the stream. If the file does not exist, creating it. Any operation in writing to the stream, should move the file pointer to the end of the file before writing, including setting theFileStream's position attribute to the end of the file.
Open file for reading and writing, set the pointer to the end of the stream. If the file does not exist, creating it. Any operation in writing to the stream, should move the file pointer to the end of the file before writing, including setting theFileStream's position attribute to the end of the file.

The third, optional Boolean argument to open() determines whether the file is opened in synchronous or asynchronous mode.

If a file is successfully opened, the call to open() must return a FileStream object.

If opening of the file fails, a number of exceptions may be thrown:

Is thrown when the object passed to the first argument is not a file or string,
If the object is a file, but does not allow open() to be invoked, for instance if the file is a directory.
If opening the File object is not permitted.

Other, generic or specific exceptions may be thrown, depending on external circumstances, such as an out-of-memory situation.

The copyTo() method

The copyTo() method is used to copy a file from one location to another. The function has one mandatory argument, either a DOMString with the URL encoded path of the desired destination, or File object representing the desired location.

The second, optional argument to copyTo is a boolean attribute telling whether the destination file should be overwritten in the case that the destination file already exists. The default value of this attribute is false. When the destination file exists, and the value of this attribute is false, the copyTo() operation must fail with a GENERAL_ERR exception.

When copyTo() is successfully invoked, and a copy operation takes place, the call will return a File object with a reference to the new file.

The third, optional argument to copyTo() is a function that is called when the copyTo() operation is complete.

The moveTo() method

The moveTo() method is used to move a file from one location to another. The function has one mandatory argument, either a DOMString with the URL encoded path of the desired destination, or File object representing the desired destination.

The second, optional argument to moveTo() is a boolean attribute telling whether the destination file should be overwritten in the case that the destination file already exists. The default value of this attribute is false. When the destination file exists, and the value of this attribute is false, the moveTo() operation must fail with a GENERAL_ERR exception.

The third, optional argument to moveTo() is a function that is called when the copyTo() operation is complete.

When moveTo() is successfully invoked, and a copy operation takes place, the call will return a File object with a reference to the new file.

The call semantics are unclear at this point.

The createDirectory() method

The createDirectory() method is used to create new directories.

The first argument must either be a File object acquired using a resolve() operation, or a DOMString with a properly URL encoded path for the directory.

The UA must attempt to create all the parent directories needed to create the desired directory. If some of these directories are pre-existing, the UA must not delete these directories.

If the UA, after a successful invocation of the method, is able to create the desired directory, the method must return a File object referencing the freshly created directory.

If creating the directory fails, an system-dependent exception should be thrown. What these errors are may vary from system to system, and as such are not specified further.

Perhaps we just should throw "DIRECTORY_CREATION_FAILED_ERR"?

The deleteDirectory() method

The deleteDirectory() method is used to delete a File object with the isDirectory attribute set to true, and the isFile attribute set to false.

The first argument to the file must be either a valid File object, or a DOMString with a URL encoded path to the directory.

The second, optional argument to the method is a Boolean which, when set to true means that the UA should try to recursively delete the directory with all its descendants. When this attribute is true, the UA should recursively delete all the files and folders contained within the file. In this case, failure to delete a single file or folder is not considered a fatal error, and the UA should continue with the operation until as many files as possible are deleted.

The return value for deleteDirectory() is of type Boolean. If deletion of the resource is successful, and the UA is able to delete the resource itself, including any descendant files and directories, the return value is true, otherwise, the return value is false.

The deleteFile() method

The deleteFile() method is used to delete a single File whose value for isFile is true. When invoked, the method always returns void.

Should an exception be thrown or a boolean be returned for failure cases?

The refresh() method

The refresh() method takes no arguments, and returns no value. When the method is invoked on a File where the value of the isDirectory attribute is true, the length is updated, and the object is populated with File objects available through accessing the object as an array using numerical indices.

The resolve() method

The resolve() method is used to acquire a reference to a file or folder in the form of a File object on disk, thus making it possible to manipulate the contents of this file or folder. In the case that the resource does not previously exist, acquiring this File reference, later operations may be used to create the resource.

The resolve() method takes a DOMString argument which is a URL escaped path, and returns a File object.

When invoked with a correct argument, the resolve() method must return a reference either to an existing File object, meaning one where the value of the exists is true, or a new file where the value of the attribute is false.

The toString() method

In the context of a File object, the object's toString() method should return the file's complete absolute path (including filename), URL encoded.

The FileStream interface

The FileStream interface represents a File object opened for reading and/or writing, and defines methods and attributes for doing this work.

interface FileStream {
           attribute unsigned Integer   position;
  readonly attribute unsigned Integer   bytesAvailable;
  readonly attribute          Boolean   eof;
           attribute          DOMString encoding; // default "UTF-8"

  void             close();

  DOMString        read(in Integer length);
  DOMString        read(in Integer length ,in DOMString charset);

  DOMString        readLine();
  DOMString        readLine(in DOMString charset);

  ByteArray        readBytes(in Integer length);
  ByteArray        readBytes(in Integer length, in Integer offset);

  DOMString        readBase64(in Integer length);

  void             write(in DOMString string);
  void             write(in DOMString string, in DOMString charset);

  void             writeLine(in DOMString string);
  void             writeLine(in DOMString string, in DOMString charset);

  void             writeBytes(in ByteArray bytes);
  void             writeBytes(in ByteArray bytes, in Integer length);

  void             writeFile(in File file);

  void             writeImage(in HTMLCanvasElement canvas);
  void             writeImage(in HTMLImageElement image);
  void             writeBase64(in DOMString string);

Members of the FileStream interface

The position attribute, of type unsigned integer

The position attribute determines the position of the file pointer from within the file as an offset of bytes from the start of the file stream. When invoking an operation that reads or writes from the stream, the operation will take place from the position in the position attribute.

When setting the value, any value in the range 0 - (File.fileSize) is accepted. If a script sets position<0, the value is set to 0. If position>fileSize, then position is set to fileSize

The bytesAvailable attribute, of type unsigned integer, readonly

The bytesAvailable attribute is a positive integer giving the number of bytes that are available for reading from the stream. The value should be equal to the length of the file minus the current position of the current position within the file.

The eof attribute, of type Boolean

The eof attribute is true whenever the value of pointer is beyond the end of the last byte of the FileStream (when position is equal to or greater than fileSize), otherwise the value is false.

The close() method

The close() method takes no arguments, and returns no value. The method is used to close a previously opened file stream. When invoked, the method should immediatly close the stream (pending any buffered writes that may not be complete), and free any locks that may have been set on the file.

The read() method

The read() method is used to read characters from the FileStream. The first argument to the method, length, is an unsigned integer deciding how many characters are read from the stream.

The second argument to the method is optional, and when present must be DOMString specifying which character encoding is to be assumed when reading from the stream.

A successful invocation of read() must return a valid DOMString containing the characters read from the stream, and the position attribute should be advanced to the position after the last octet read.

In the case that an octet obtained from a read() invocation are invalid in a DOMString, the characters in question should be replaced with a U+FFFD replacement character. If the read() operation starts in the middle of a multibyte character, and it is possible to determine this, the UA should also replace the octets that cannot be represented in a DOMString with the U+FFFD replacement character.

When invoking a read() when there are no bytes left to read in the stream, and the eof attribute is already set to true, a call to read() must return null.

When invoking a read() operation is invoked with a length argument, and this length argument means that reading will proceed beyond the end of the stream, the invocation must read only to the end of the stream, and set the eof attribute on the FileStream. The return value must then be all characters up until the end of the stream. Authors are cautioned that the length of the returned DOMString may be less than that of the requested length argument.

When reading from the start of a stream, e.g. when the position is at 0, or before the first valid octet that is a valid character in a DOMString, read() may skip forward to the first character, provided that the first octets represent a valid BOM.

If reading from a stream fails, the UA may throw a system-specific exception.

The readLine() method

The readLine() method is used to read a single line of input from a valid FileStream instance. The method accepts an optional DOMString argument specifying the charset the stream is to be interpreted as.

A successful invocation of readLine() must return a valid DOMString, not including the CR and LF characters, and replacing invalid characters with the U+FFFD replacement character. A successful invocation must also cause the UA to advance the position within the file to the first character after a valid octet sequence representing a newline.

When invoking a readLine() when are no bytes left to read in the stream, and when the eof attribute is already set, a call to read() must return null.

If reading from a stream fails, the UA may throw a system-specific exception.

The readBytes() method

The readBytes method is used to read an octet off a valid FileStream instance. The method takes one argument, an unsigned integer representing the number of octets to be read from the stream.

When a successful call to readBytes() method is made, an UA must return a valid ByteArray containing the octets read. When reading beyond the end of the stream, the UA must set the eof attribute to true, and return a ByteArray containing the octets from the position it started to read from the stream until the end. As such, a developer cannot rely on the length of the ByteArray being equal to the length specified in the length argument to the stream.

If readBytes() is invoked when the eof attribute is set to true, the UA must return null.

A UA may throw system-specific exceptions if it is unable to read from the stream.

The readBase64() method

The readBase64 method is used to read an octet from a valid FileStream instance, and return a DOMString with a base-64 encoded representation of the octets read from the stream. The method takes one argument, an unsigned integer representing the number of octets to be read from the stream.

When a successful call to readBase64() method is made, an UA must return a valid ByteArray containing the octets read. When reading beyond the end of the stream, the UA must set the eof attribute to true, and return a DOMString containing the octets from the position it started to read from the stream until the end. As with readBytes(), a developer cannot rely on the returned DOMString representing a base-64 encoded string whose length, when converted back to a ByteArray, matches the length specified in the first argument to readBase64().

If readBase64() is invoked when the eof attribute is set to true, the UA must return null.

A UA may throw system-specific exceptions if it is unable to read from the stream.

The write() method

The write() method is used to write character data to a file stream.

The first argument to write() is mandatory, and must be a valid DOMString containing the data to be written to the stream. When the method is successfully invoked, the UA should write the data in this first argument to the file stream starting from the position in the position attribute, unless the file is opened in append mode. If the file is opened in append mode, the position should be advanced to the end of file before writing.

The second argument to write(), of type DOMString, is used to specify which character encoding should be used when writing the string specififed in the first argument.

write() may throw a system-specific error if writing fails, when conditions such as running out of free disk space arises.

The writeLine() method

The writeLine() method is used to write character data to a file stream, and emit a valid linefeed sequence after the input string.

The first argument to writeLine() is mandatory, and must be a valid DOMString containing the data to be written to the stream. When the method is successfully invoked, the UA should write the data in this first argument, plus a valid linefeed sequence to the file stream starting from the position in the position attribute, unless the file is opened in append mode. If the file is opened in append mode, the position should be advanced to the end of file before writing.

The second argument to writeLine(), of type DOMString, is used to specify which character encoding should be used when writing the string specififed in the first argument.

writeLine() may throw a system-specific error if writing fails, when conditions such as running out of free disk space arises.

Valid linefeed sequences are not specified yet.

write and writeLine currently both write UTF-8 only, and ignores any encoding specified.

The valid strings for selecting encoding needs to be listed.

The writeBytes() method

The writeBytes() method is used to write a series of octets to the file stream specified.

The first argument to writeBytes() is a ByteArray containing the data to be written. When the method is successfuly invoked, the UA should write the data to the FileStream, starting from the current position, as given by the position attribute, unless the file is opened in append mode, in which case the position must be set to the end of the file before the writing operation commences.

writeBytes() may throw a system-specific error if writing fails, when conditions such as running out of free disk space arises.

The writeBase64() method

The writeBase64() method is used to write a series of octets to the file stream specified with the octets input specified as a base-64 encoded string.

The first argument to writeBase64() is a DOMString containing the data to be written. When the method is successfuly invoked, the UA should take the base64-encoded string, convert it to a ByteArray, and write the data to the FileStream, starting from the current position, as given by the position attribute, unless the file is opened in append mode, in which case the position must be set to the end of the file before the writing operation commences.

writeBytes() may throw a system-specific error if writing fails, when conditions such as running out of free disk space arises.

The writeFile() method

The writeFile() method is used to write the entire contents of a valid File object to the FileStream

The writeFile() method takes one mandatory argument, a valid File object. When the method is successfully invoked, the UA should write the contents of the file, starting from the current position, unless the file is in append mode, in which case the position should be set to be at the end of the FileStream.

Given two file objects, f1 and f2, calling,"w").writeFile(f2) should behave the same as the following example:

var srcStream =,"r");
var destStream =,"rw");

var srcData =;

writeFile has no return value.

The writeImage() method

The writeImage() method is used to write the contents of a HTMLCanvasElement object or an HTMLImageElement to a file.

The method accepts one argument, which is mandatory. This argument can be either a HTMLCanvasElement object or an HTMLImageElement instance. If writeImage() is successfully invoked, the UA should write the image, starting from the current position, unless the file is in append mode, in which case the position should be set to be at the end of the FileStream.

When writing a HTMLCanvasElement, the image should be encoded as image/png. In the case that the image is a HTMLImageElement, the image should be written with the same encoding that is used in the original element.

Reserved characters and filenames

Disallowed characters

The U+002F solidus character, / is a reserved character and must not be used to name a file or folder.

Discouraged characters

Different file systems have different conventions for file names, and may or may not allow use of certain characters in a file or path name. For portability, applications are therefore discouraged when creating folders or files. The list is as follows:

Character Reason
: Used to denote alternate file streams on NTFS file systems, as a path separator on OS X, and used to determine the mountpoint (e.g. C:) on Windows systems.
? Used as a wildcard match on virtually all systems, and explicitly illegal in filenames on Windows systems
* Used as a wildcard match on virtually all systems, and explicitly illegal in filenames on Windows systems
|, < and > Used for pipes and redirection on Unix systems
\ Used as path separator on Windows systems

Illegal file names

The file names '.' and '..' are used to denote current folder and parent folder on virtually all file systems, and creating files or folders with these names are thus disallowed

Discouraged file names

In addition to the disallowed file names, a number of file names are discouraged for portable applications, because these files cannot be recreated reliably on all platforms. The list is as follows:


Authors should not create files using any of these names, also including creating the file with an additional extension.

The mountpoint URL protocol

When referencing files in mountpoints from inside an application, the mountpoint protocol is used. The scheme-specific syntax is described as below.

 mountpoint_url = "mountpoint:" "//" mountpoint_name [ abs_path ]

Here, mountpoint_name corresponds to a previously mounted directory, and abs_path corresponds to an absolute path within the specified mountpoint.

The absolute path in a mountpoint always starts with the character for the path separator '/', (Unicode U+002F solidus).

For instance, if a user has acquired a mountpoint, and named it myImages using the call browseForDirectory("myImages","",callback_function), the user can access files inside the mountpoint by creating an absolute URI:
