Web Services Architecture Working Group
Editors' To-Do List

This document contains the editors' to-do list for the Web Services Architecture Working Group.

It is presented in the form of a table for each document showing the pending changes, who is assigned to doing them, and comments about them.

Send email to w3c-wsa-editors@w3.org to discuss editorial issues.

See also the issues list for sources of editorial work to be done.

Last modified: $Date: 2003/10/15 18:01:48 $

How to edit this document

Editors, chairs and Team contacts are maintaining this document.

The lists below may be incomplete. Please add issues to be reviewed during the weekly editors' call.

Items may only be removed when addressed and the editors notified via the editors' mailing list.

Explanation of the tables

The tables have 5 columns:

  1. Id: a unique identifier for each item
  2. What? describes the item and includes references.
  3. Status: ready? gives the status for the item:
  4. Who? holds the name of the person responsible for making the change in the document. When followed by a question mark, it requires confirmation.
  5. Comments holds comments about the item and its status.

To-do lists for each document

Web Services Architecture

Table showing the changes waiting to be done


Status: ready? Who? Comments
1 Include security framework in section 3.6 Dupe of #59 Frank In progress; see #59 and #8
2 Reconciliate document with glossary Waiting Hugo Need strategy
3 Include Geoff's sync/async text Obsolete Where? Needs to be discussed; we have new synchronous/asynchronous text
4 Add Mike Mahan's privacy text ? Eric
5 Insert text for section 1.5.3 Done David
6 Insert text from ChrisF Done Frank Frank said he would do this, with minor editing
7 Section 2.1 revision; to be used and inserted as appropriate Done modulo comments Frank Need confirmation from Mike; confirmed by Mike on 2003-07-09
8 Security text to be added to the security framework about threats Ready Abbie? To be added to the security framework. Related to item #1 and #58; see Frank's email
9 is-a, has-a Addressed Where are we with this? We need to close the discussion and make appropriate edits
10 Discussion about targetResource Obsolete What's the status of this one?
11 Proposed text for section 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 Done Needs to be investigated; need to ask Mike; may have already been incorporated
12 MEP Done
13 Message Done Waiting for final text from Hao; done, see of Oct 8 2003 version
14 Message sender and recipient Done Hugo After 2003-07-03 call?
15 Stateful service discussion Done Hugo Missing the relationship with choreography
16 UML diagrams: SOAP and WSDL Ready Eric Where do we insert them? Note comment from JJM; need to be put in an appendix
17 Conformance discussion Waiting Don't think we reached a conclusion
18 Management: insert missing pieces Ready Hugo What is left from the MTF output that we haven't put in? Hugo to talk to Heather to see if everything is incorporated and how to publish the rest; see #46 and lifecycle document
19 F2F: section 2.1 para 1: add "are defined" and change interopability to architecture Ready Hugo
20 F2F: Section 2.1, para 2, and concept that summary and relations are more definitive/precise and description is for general understanding Done Frank
21 F2F:

Editors in a paragraph in 2.1 making the point that "concepts" are nouns and "relationships" are verbs

Done Frank Goes along with item 7
22 F2F: Concept "endpoint" needs to be added Done Hugo
23 F2F: Concept "interface" needs to be added Done Hugo
24 F2F: 2.2.31 Service needs to be reconciled with WSDL 1.2 Waiting
25 F2F: ensure that the definition will be "english", as in "service is a. " and then the relationships are in "modelese", as in a service has a ... and has a .. Ready - Deferred Note from discussion on editors' call: definition, relationships, examples
26 F2F + ChrisF's email: separate technologies (including languages) from concepts; agreed to section 2.2.39 in link above, while undersating that wordswithing and some sub sections need completing Ready? Need to confirm agreement; see also Hugo's email
27 F2F: Harvest F2F diagram Waiting There were lots of discussions around this diagram; did we get everything we wanted from it?; waiting for Service Oriented Model
28 F2F: 1.3 needs updating, hodgepodge of other topics besides organization Ready
29 F2F: 1.4 put in the normative hasa-isa stuff Ready? Related to other is-a has-a stuff
30 F2F: 1.6 needs venn diagram stuff, major discussion Waiting Need telcon dedicated to this; needs discussion of binding, early/late
31 F2F: 1.7 needs bridge between diagram and concepts discussion; basically wordsmithing Ready


Section 1.7 needs rework; goes along with rewording in 3.15 Web services technologies, 3.1 Web integration and section 4 Constraints and appendix C Architectural Use of Technologies
32 F2F: 2.2.5 Corelation: this is a label on an arc; move to relationships Waiting Frank doesn't agree with that; needs discussion
33 F2F: 2.2.7 Discovery: move to 2.3 relationships Waiting Moved to Resource Oriented Model; needs to be discussed again
34 F2F: 2.2.12 Legal entity: rename to owner, rework Ready? Wait until WG discussion?
35 F2F: 2.2.16 - 2.2.20 to be moved to section 3 Done Frank Moved to Mgt OM
36 F2F: 2.2.23 to be folded into 2.2.21 Ready? See with Hao
37 F2F: 2.2.24 Message description language: compress, move, consolidate Ready Like choreography description language and other languages
38 F2F: 2.2.25 Message Identifier: remove as core concept, incorporate into 2.2.21 resolution and properties section Ready? Wait until WG discussion?
39 F2F: 2.2.28 Reliable messaging: move to section 3 Ready Check in editors' call
40 F2F: 2.2.29 Representation & 2.2.30 Resource: remove from core concepts, discuss in relationship with webarch Done Frank Moved to ROM
41 F2F: 2.2.37 SOAP & 2.2.38 WSDL: move to technologies section Done Frank Need more thinking about it.
42 F2F: 2.2.35 service semantics: to be reworked Waiting Wait until WG discussion
43 Issue 14: Incorporate WSDL Harvesting in Architecture Document Ready? Does the WSDL UML diagram cover this?
44 Frank's reorganization ? Frank
45 Frank will produce a diagram and text to explain how MOM and ? Frank
46 Zulah will work with Frank and Hao to produce a management document by next f2f that has pictures, concepts and relationships, design tradeoffs, and stakeholders' view. ? Frank
47 the chair needs to record " MEP is only supported by infrastructures while chronography is supported by application". ?
48 clarify distinction between SOA and SOM Ready
49 include Roger's proposed text for "action" or push back on the mailing list Ready
50 make the concepts more consistent re: We have "Chor desc language" but not "service desc lang" in the concepts. Ready
51 Frank to address the fact that in section the term "Service execution model" appears but is not defined. Ready Frank
52 Frank to proposed text to define "contract". Ready Frank
53 use service requestors and providers Ready
54 Frank, change model to reflect delivery policy, add 2.? section for delivery policy, change stakeholder on reliable messaging. Ready Frank
55 dbooth to look into adding mention of "syntax and semantics are relative: one person's syntax is another's semantics"; check Frank's text Ready David
56 make sender/originator and receiver/recipient consistent with SOAP 1.2's usage Ready
57 Frank directed to add notation information to appropriate section to explain existing diagram conventions (possibly Section 1.4 or other appropriate place) Ready Frank
58 add third party to concepts and reliationships around intermediaries ?
59 Abbie, Katia and Frank to add 2.x "Security Model" with Hugo's help (including interface with W3C staff expertise as necessary) Waiting See also #8


Target date: ???

Web Services Architecture Requirement

Table showing the changes waiting to be done


Status: ready? Who? Comments
1 A-priori text to be changed (AR023.7.1) Ready Daniel?
2 Daniel's issues resolution to be incorporated Ready Daniel?


May 2003; overdue.

Web Services Glossary

Table showing the changes waiting to be done


Status: ready? Who? Comments
1 Reconciliate with WSA Waiting Need strategy


Not known.

Web Services Architecture Usage Scenarios

@@@ TBD

Table showing the changes waiting to be done


Status: ready? Who? Comments
1 Issue 5: Don't use POST to do GET in examples Ready
2 Issue 26: Travel agent use case issue Waiting David and Hugo have an action item about it
3 Contribution from Hao Ready
? ? Waiting Need strategy


Not known.

Created on 2003-07-03 by Hugo Haas